The 4 economic theories are supply side economics, new classical economics, monetarism and Keynesian economics.


What are the 3 types of poverty?

There are multiple types of poverty.

Situational poverty.

Generational poverty.

Absolute poverty.

Relative poverty.

Urban poverty.

Rural poverty.

How do I apply for Job Corps?

To enroll, call 1-800-733-JOBS [5627] or visit the Recruiting and

Enrollment Interest page. People who are hearing-impaired may call this

toll-free TTY number: 1-877-889-5627

Job Corps is the largest Free residential education and job training program

for young adults ages 16–24. We connect you with the skills and education.

The US economy is on record pace to end 2022 with the most jobs created in any

12 month period. Get ready for 2023 when we see more than 300,000 jobs created

each month in the United States. Returning manufacturing from overseas, exporting

more goods/services, chip manufacturing, infrastructure spending, not to mention

the billions of dollars states have in surplus. The Federal Reserve will raise

the Federal Fund rate in 2 weeks, again in January and February of 2023 stalling

out inflation which will only boost the United States of America Economy.What are the Types of GDP?

Nominal GDP – the total value of all goods and services produced at current market prices. …

Real GDP – the sum of all goods and services produced at constant prices. …

Actual GDP – real-time measurement of all outputs at any interval or any given

time. Your definition of GDP is FLAWED. Two quarters generally only make a

recession if GDP falls enough to impact the economy. First quarter and 2nd quarter

of 2022 GDP did fall but job creation was great and 3rd quarter GDP and job

creation was awesome. Families are cutting spending, paying down debt and building

cash reserves. It is unclear why so many reducing debt. Yes, I agree every year

people over spend during the months before Christmas. As to labor Job Corp which

is a free government training program for 16 – 24 years and have trained over 2

million is ONE solution to labor shortage. The United States economy need more

skill labor and opportunity for those lack skill training. Job Corps—Suggested—16

to 30 years and double the budget from infrastructure bill, Inflation Reduction Act

and the Chip Bill.
What is a recession in the economy?

Image result for recession definition economics

A recession can be defined as a sustained period of weak or negative growth in

real GDP (output) that is accompanied by a significant rise in the unemployment

rate. Many other indicators of economic activity are also weak during a recession.


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