What foods are good for losing fat?

12 Metabolism-Boosting Foods to Aid Weight Loss

Fish & Shellfish. Metabolism-Boosting Powers: Fish (salmon, tuna, sardines and

mackerel) are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and protein

Legumes (Also known as beans)

Chili Peppers

Low-Fat Milk





You Are Not Doomed To Be Fat Forever

Once you stop dieting and start listening to your body it is easy and natural

to live at your own perfect, normal weight.

undieting, weight loss, women, dieting, body image, intuitive eating, health

I know, you’re probably thinking you have to diet to lose weight. But nothing

could be further from the truth. With rare exceptions, most people were born

into normal weight bodies. But then we learned to diet.YOUR TUMMY FAT COULD BE KILLING YOU DIET NOW

Dieting causes the body to go into survival mode. Dieting itself sparks the intense

biological urge to consume large quantities of high calorie foods. It causes the body’s

instinctual drives to override all intellectual controls. It primes the body to maximize

food intake and minimize energy burned.

Diets have set us up to fight against our own physical survival, the body’s most basic


As a comparison, think of how difficult life would be if you had to go to the bathroom

on a rigid schedule. What if you only allowed yourself to urinate 3 times a day?

At 8 a.m., noon, and 6 p.m. you could release exactly 5 ounces. You’d measure it – of

course – to be sure it was the right amount. If you needed to go more, you would

force yourself to wait until the next scheduled time. And too bad if you needed to go

at 10 am, hold it until noon.WHAT ARE THE 5 FOODS THAT BURN BELLY FAT?

You would be miserable. Your body would have a very difficult time complying with

an arbitrary schedule. It would probably get ugly.

Overeating because your body refuses to starve doesn’t make you a failure. It

means you’re human.

*It doesn’t make you diseased.

*It doesn’t mean you are flawed forever.

*It doesn’t doom you to being permanently sick and trying to recover for the rest

of your life.

*It means you did the best you could at the time.

*It means you can forgive yourself and move on.

Eating is the most natural thing we do and your body knows exactly what it needs to

live at it’s very best. All you have to do is practice listening and ACT on the information.

Your body knows what to do. Just as it knows how to breathe, reproduce, and heal.

Think of how children live, we can learn a lot from them…

*They rest when they are tired.

*They run, jump, swim, dance, and play as much as they can because it feels good and it’s


*They are picky about what they eat. They’ll go hungry rather than settle for something

they don’t love.

*They eat when they’re hungry.

*Once they feel full, they have to be tricked or bribed into eating even one more bite of food.

*They drink when they’re thirsty.

*They love their bodies and they don’t care how their thighs look or if their tummy isn’t

flat and tight.

*They don’t have to think about all this. It just comes naturally and easily as a part of being


All of these natural instincts live in each of us, too.

We all have the inborn ability to take care of ourselves. We just have to remember. We

just have to get back in the habit of listening to our bodies…of following their wisdom.

Remember, a normal body weight is your birthright. It was stolen from you. Now you get

to take it back.

So stop thinking of yourself as forever fat. You are not doomed to either being overweight

or to being on a perpetual diet. Let overeating and overweight fade into the past. They

served you well to keep you alive. Once you stop dieting and accept the body you were born

with, you can return to your unique, normal weight.

I’m not suggesting everyone is going to be model-skinny. The endless, tyrannical pressure

to be very thin is a big part of the problem. Some bodies are meant to be soft and curvy

. Others are naturally sharp and angular. We are variously stocky, tall, fleshy, muscular,

sinewy, short, etc. There is wonderful beauty in diversity.EATING HEATLIER MEANS YOU LOVE YOUR SELF

Accepting and loving the unique beauty of your body will heal you and set you free. Be

like a child and delight in the body you have. Cherish the power in your muscles. Enjoy

the feeling of being alive here on this planet. Let go of having to look a certain way. Be

yourself. Let someone else try to be like the models or celebrities. The world will be a

better place if it gets to have the real, unique, special person that YOU are.

Believe in your own healing. Believe that you can live easily and naturally at your own

ideal weight. That faith is a huge part of what will set you free. Eating normally is

completely natural. Deep down you know how to do it.Title:

You’ve lost the Weight, but how clean are you on the inside where it Counts?

Everyone wants to be slim and toned, but most people are unaware or are just negligent

to the importance of being clean on the inside as well, that should be of the most importance.

Weight loss, Diet, health, fitness,

In today’s age and world, being slim, shapely, possessing ripped abdominal muscles and

toned arms seems to be the aim of a vast majority of the people you see spending tons

of hours working out at gyms.OF GREAT CONCERN WHAT’S IN WHAT YOU EAT

These same people spend loads of money on the new weight-loss pill or supplement

guaranteed to ‘make you eat less and increase your metabolism…’ and in spite of

whatever side effects the product may contain, the average Joe, still thinks this quick fix

will be worth the risk.

In truth, some of these people have luck with these efforts, and yes they possess the

ever so ripped and toned muscles we as a society admire so much. However, the fact

that needs to be accepted and pondered upon thoroughly is: ‘Whatever is not built

on a proper foundation will eventually crumble!’

Most fitness experts and bodybuilders atrophy and wear down prematurely as sooner

or later, these muscles ‘blown up’ with unnatural substances have a tendency to

pretty much deflate. Moreover, ‘ripped’ muscles and supposed ‘feats’ of strength

DO NOT depict proper and optimal health.

There is a saying that is known to every culture which goes:” you are what you eat…” What

you eat plays arguably the most important role on your overall health and fitness,

thus PROPER DIET should be the most important factor of any and every health seeker.

What then should one eat? In a nut-shell: yes as boring as it may sound- Fruits and


These substances possess the abilities to not only provide the necessary fuel needed

for day to day activities, but play important and vital roles in

1. Providing the alkaline reserves in the body for balancing chemical metabolism within.

2. Cleansing the digestive and excretory tract as they act as the much needed intestinal

broom to sweep these ‘pipes’ (as you may call them) clean to function properly in

their duties of nourishing and cleansing the body.

3. Keeping the body fit, trim and in shape WITHOUT the unwanted side effects of toxic

and artificial substances such as pills and supplements.

Sure, it is a great feeling to be able to see the awesome cuts in your ‘abs’ and arms

When you look in the mirror, but feeling good on the inside as well and knowing that

you are thoroughly cleansed internally should be of just as much importance

as ‘getting ripped’.

As I stated in one of my previous articles, a quick and sure-fire method of attaining

internal cleanliness and the added bonus of healthy weight-loss will be to undergo a fast.

There are several methods of this tried and true method of healing and although it is

covered to a degree in the free resources section of my website, you can always do some

research on this radical; yet extremely effective method of internal purification and

weight loss.

In conclusion, the cleaner you are on the inside and the freer you are of toxicity the

quicker you can and will attain your goal of being in shape.CRUNCHES IT’S TIME TO BURN EVEN MORE CALORIES


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