According to the four largest United States Bank the economy is strong, consumers are
spending and have good savings. Great news for business but bad news for inflation
coming down. How do you slow an economy down, with 10 million job opening available,
creating over 250 thousands jobs monthly, and Federal Reserve with a Fund rate of less
than 3.5%???? November may see another 75 bps by the Federal Reserve but will do
absolutely nothing to slow the inflation down. The reason is even at 4% Federal Fund Rate
this is still a stimulus rate not a rate that discourage anyone from borrowing. I would
concede that mortgage rates at 7% will have a negative impact on purchases of homes and
the high prices of homes but this will not stall out inflation because it just to small
percentage of the overall economy. The solution to stall out inflation is the consumer
cutting spending, paying down debt and investing in USA Government Securities. Even a
6 months T-Bill is paying around 4%. The stronger families and individuals balance sheets,
the more disposal income and the stronger the economy.