Identity Thief – ways to safe guard your credit and private information

Identity theft happens when someone obtains sensitive personal information, such as credit card data or personal identification number to commit fraud or other crimes. With so many services and product moving online, you may not remember every store you’ve shopped at or the websites you’ve signed up in, but thieves and hackers can strike anywhere and at any time.

While no measures can guarantee protection against identity theft, there are ways you can take to safeguard your information and have a strong line of defense. Here are some tips stated by experts to prevent identity theft:STARTING A BUSINESS

Keep track of your paper trail

If you prefer checking your ATM, credit card or gas station receipts on paper, then make sure you destroy it after you’re done the checking. Shred credit cards statements, salary information or documents that contain private financial information often.

Safeguard your Social Security number

Avoid carrying your social security card with your all the time, keep it in a secure place.
This is very secure information that identity thieves target first as it will give them access to your credit report and bank accounts.STARTING A BUSINESS

Watch your mail

Stolen mail is one of the easiest paths to a steal an identity. Use a locked mailbox or ask a trusted source to fetch your mail held if you’re out of town. USPS also has an informed delivery service which can give you a preview of your mail so you can tell if anything is missing.

Track your bank and credit card statements

Check your account statements periodically to check if all purchases and credits are valid. If you recognize irregularities in purchases that you didn’t make, contact your bank and cancel your cards immediately. Also make sure you recognize the merchants, locations, and purchases listed.

Be cautious when asked for personal information

Even if you’ve signed up for phone banking, ensure that you read through your bank’s verification procedure and do not divulge any unnecessary information. If salespeople or sign up sheets require information such as Social Security, driver’s license number, or any personal identification, only reveal it if it is absolutely necessary.

Lock down your hardware

Since we use devices so often throughout the day, set up password protection for your phone, laptop, tablet, and other devices, Even if you trust the people at home or at work, there are threats of break-ins putting your data at risk. Downloading anti-malware apps and software is also good-to-have as they can prevent criminals from stealing your data.
Social Media Safeguards

Secure your social media profiles (Facebook, Google, Dropbox, Apple ID, Microsoft, Twitter) with two-factor authentication. That means that whenever you log in, you’ll need a code that the site sends to your mobile phone along with your password to enter. Although it may seem time-consuming, it is better to be safe than sorry.

While social media is a great tool to share things about your life, the more you share, the easier it will be for someone to get their hands on your information. Keep your social media profile as barren as possible and try not to divulge your birth date, email address, and phone number.

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Navigation Systems you can use for Holiday Travel

Nothing is more frustrating that trying to travel for the holidays and not be able to figure out how to get there. Even if you have a plan when you leave home, things can get turned around quickly if you don’t have a good sense of direction. Stopping for directions isn’t always effective because people don’t always have the information you need to get to your destination.

There are plenty of amazing navigation systems you can use to help take the frustration out of holiday travel though. Advances in technology offer us a great way to have these tools at our fingertips. Many people travel with their laptop computers and you can access travel routes either online or with various types of computer software programs.STOP LIVING PAYCHECK TO PAYCHECK

Even a simple compass in your vehicle can assist you when you least expect it. I was recently driving along when there was a detour due to road construction. I followed everyone else and then came to some signs. It said 5 miles East and then 11 Miles North to get to my destination. The problem was there were no arrows and I didn’t know which way I was headed on that road. Luckily my car has a built in compass so I was able to figure it out. If you vehicle doesn’t have one then you need to purchase one. It will come in handy as you travel for the holidays.

This information will allow you to find the fastest route as well as the shortest route to get to your holiday destination. You can also find the route that has access to hotels, restaurants, and rest areas. This is great information if you are traveling with children because you will find you have to stop more often in order to keep everyone happy.

Having a laptop can also keep you up to date with the weather conditions during your holiday travel. This is important because if roads are closed or there are delays due to an accident you can easily find yourself an alternate route. Many people have similar types of navigation systems on their cell phones. The most high tech gadget is the very popular iPhone. If offers access to the internet and has a 3 ½ inch monitor for you to view the information on.

Many vehicles feature a Global Positioning System known as GPS. There are some models you can purchase separately and then add them to any model of vehicle that you have. This is a very good tool that you will always have when you are operating your vehicle. Even if you don’t know exactly where you are, a satellite system does and it send that information to the GPS system. You can then enter the information for your travel destination and it will give you the directions you need to get there.

Don’t spend your time traveling for the holidays caught up in traffic or bad weather. You also don’t want to drive for hours and then realize you have been going the wrong direction. The landscaping of the area can change over the years leaving you unfamiliar with the way to get there on your own. These types of navigational tools will definitely help you to get your berrings and to arrive for the holidays on time.