Physical fitness in relation to vitamins and mineral supplements

Vitamins and mineral supplements play several important roles in the body. They assist in energy production, body building, repair and maintenance of body tissue, boost immune system, hemoglobin synthesis and general protection of the body.SUCCESSFUL LIFE CLICK NOW

These micronutrients are essential in the metabolism of food macromolecules (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) in the body. Although, vitamins and minerals are not themselves source of energy. But they help in transforming the chemical energy in food to energy for work.

During physical activities the metabolic rate of the body increases and vitamins and minerals help in regulating the metabolic pathways. The biochemical adaption of the muscle that takes during exercise requires micronutrients for building, repairing and maintaining the body mass.

Therefore, engaging in regular exercise will increase the use and loss of vitamins and minerals from the body. And as a result, there will be needs for greater intake of supplements so as to meet the demand of the body. The physical fitness of the body largely depends on the availability of vitamins and mineral supplements.

The most common vitamins and minerals that are essential for building and repairing the muscle include but not limited to the following: Vitamins C, D, E and B (B3, B6 and B12), calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium and β-carotene.

The B vitamins – these include vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and folate. The B vitamins take part in carbohydrates metabolism and help to convert food into energy that you need for physical activities.

They help in the formation of red blood cells which supplies oxygen to the muscle. And they synthesize proteins responsible for building and repairing the muscle.

Vitamin C and Vitamin E – these two vitamins act as an anti-oxidant in the body. They help the body to quickly recover after physical activities. They also help to reduce muscle damage.

Calcium – is a mineral supplement that helps to build and maintains strong bones. Lack of calcium in the body makes the bones fragile and they can easily be fractured.

Vitamin D – this is responsible for the absorption of calcium in the body. Both vitamin D and calcium works together to help maintain strong healthy bones.

Iron – this is a mineral nutrient that is responsible for transporting oxygen round the body. During exercise, iron ensures that enough oxygen is supplied to your muscles. Lack of enough iron in the body may lead to tiredness and muscle may not perform maximally.

Zinc and Magnesium – Zinc and magnesium are both micronutrients. They are required by the body in small amount but perform important roles. They regulate the body metabolism ensuring energy.

In conclusion, physical fitness is connected to the availability of vitamins and mineral supplement in the body. It is important for you to maintain a healthy eating habit in order to stay healthy. Your diet can have effects on your physical performance.

Always eat variety of foods that are rich in essential vitamins and minerals.


Dieting to build stamina and muscle mass

Building up your muscle mass is a great idea if you want to enhance your

strength and take it to the next level. The same thing is valid if you want to

boost your stamina levels; it’s beneficial and can improve your lifestyle.

Naturally, it all comes down to your diet and workout routine. But what foods

can you eat to acquire all the necessary vitamins and minerals to build your

muscles and increase stamina levels? Let’s find out!

Best foods to build stamina

When it comes to increasing stamina, the right fruits and vegetable list can

help quite a bit.

⦁ Bananas, in particular, boost your metabolism and build stamina.

⦁ You can also try dry fruits because they are easy to digest and include fiber,

vitamins, and minerals.

⦁ Add a vegetable like beans or sweet potato to your diet since they will offer that

energy boost you need, especially before you exercise.

⦁ Peanut butter and dark chocolate are powerful stamina builders, and they can

fuel your workouts. Yes, a vegetable or fruits are great, but you also need dark

chocolate to give you that extra edge.

⦁ Yogurt is another good option for building stamina; the same thing can be said

about brown rice.

⦁ You should also give fatty fish a try. It’s full of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and

many vitamins. It also has a plethora of nutrients and minerals that help build up

your stamina naturally.

⦁ Aside from these, don’t forget other foods like quinoa, pomegranate, oatmeal,

green tea, citrus fruits, and many others.

What foods are great for building muscle mass?

Some foods that boost your stamina can also increase your muscle mass. These

include beans and other veggies, but also yogurt and quinoa. Aside from those, you

can find other great muscle-building foods like the ones below!

⦁ Chicken is one of the top foods you should eat to grow muscle mass. It has

lots of protein and not too many calories. In addition, you can try red meat too,

since it’s also rich in protein and iron.

⦁ Cheese, particularly low-fat cheese, can be ideal because it can help with muscle

contraction. You’ll get

lots of calcium and protein from cheese.

⦁ Tuna and salmon are also excellent when it comes to boosting muscle mass. They

have vitamins B and A, along with various other nutrients. Shrimp is also a good pick.

⦁ Peanuts offer plenty of protein and will also give you tons of nutrients. Peanuts

have leucine, which plays a major role in muscle-building.

⦁ Tofu is sometimes used as a meat substitute, and it’s an excellent calcium source.

It’s perfect for improving bone health and muscle mass. In addition, it’s also an

excellent option for vegans.

⦁ Milk is also great for muscle growth since it has lots of protein, fats, and carbs.

It’s a great idea to eat these foods if you’re looking to boost your muscle mass and

stamina naturally. You can also try the MAYO CLINIC DIETING, which is excellent at

helping you lose weight quickly and build up muscles. It includes vegetables and

fruits while bringing plenty of minerals and vitamins to your daily intake. Give it a try,

and you’ll see how much it can help!

Stamina is the strength and energy that allow you to sustain physical or mental effort for

long periods of time. Increasing your stamina helps you endure discomfort or stress when

you’re doing an activity. It also reduces fatigue and exhaustion. Having high stamina allows

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