What is the best diet to lose weight and gain muscle?

What to eat to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. Focus your diet on

high protein foods and healthy, natural carbohydrates that will give you plenty of

energy to train. And don’t forget to eat plenty of low calorie green vegetables and

leafy greens to keep your body healthy as you lose fat and gain muscle.

What exercises burn the most belly fat?

Aerobic exercise includes any activity that raises your heart rate such as walking,

dancing, running or swimming. This can also include doing housework, gardening and

playing with your children. Other types of exercise such as strength training, Pilates

and yoga can also help you lose belly fat.

9 Ways To Feed Your Soul By Simply Walking

Instead of seeing walking as something you must do to get in shape, see it as a gift of

being alive and let yourself fully enjoy the experience.

We live in a culture that honors Type A, driven behaviors. That includes exercise and for

many people, it’s taken away the joy out of simply walking. Instead of seeing walking as

something you must do to get in shape, see it as a gift of being alive and let yourself

fully enjoy the experience.

1) Walk with deep awareness of how it feels to move your body.

2) Experience the act of walking as if you’ve never, ever done it before.

3) Be aware. Be present in the moment. Really feel your body as you’re moving.

4) Pay attention to how your feet feel with each rolling step on the earth.

5) Notice the strength and power in your muscles.

6) Feel yourself moving in space.

7) Observe the wind on your skin and the temperature of the air.

8) Have a beauty feast while you’re out. Notice the light coming through the leaves.

See the flowers with fresh eyes.

9) Take a fresh look at the world as you move through it. Assume nothing. Experience

the wonder of life as if you’ve never seen anything before. Watch the people as if

you’d never seen a

Let walking become a cherished and enriching part of your life. Turn it into something

wonderful that you look forward to with both body.

lose belly fat, belly fat, fat, how  to lose belly fat, burn belly fat, stomach fat, burn

stomach fat, burn fat, reduce belly fat, ways to lose belly fat

The first thing that people, who wish to lose weight, think about is reducing their

belly fat. It does not matter if you need to lose those extra 15 pounds or a whole

lot more. And it is exactly where they all go wrong. This article will explain what the

biggest mistake of flat belly seekers is, how to avoid it, and achieve your desirable

flat belly.

The first thing that people, who wish to lose weight, think about is reducing their

belly fat. It does not matter if you need to lose those extra 15 pounds or a whole

lot more. And it is exactly where they all go wrong. This article will explain what

the biggest mistake of flat belly seekers is, how to avoid it, and achieve your

desirable flat belly.

What does 30 minutes of walking a day do?

About walking

Just 30 minutes every day can increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones,

reduce excess body fat, and boost muscle power and endurance. It can also reduce

your risk of developing conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes,

osteoporosis and some cancers.

Belly muscles are designed to give balance and coordination for the body’s

movements. Constant movement keeps it in shape. People used to walk and

move a lot just a few centuries ago. These days most of the people sit all day long

at the office and as a result their muscles weaken. At this point they can’t support

the internal oranges, allowing the abdomen to bulge.

The swelling causes people to seek some drastic action, in order to regain that

nice flat belly they start to exercise. This is where people make the biggest

mistake in flatting their stomach: they start to workout very hard on their belly

muscles and develop nice firm muscles but no one can see them. They are all

sunken under a layer of fat. People are walking around with nice strong belly

muscles that are actually invisible.

These people can not stop complaining about how hard they work, every day

shaping their muscles but no visible results are shown. This is their mistake, their

muscles are just fine. The problem is the layer of fat which covers them.

The solution is working on both things at the same time: on one hand work on

your belly muscles, in addition you must reduce your fat percentage, Lowering

your fat percentage will eventually give you the affect you were looking for the

“six-pack” look. It is very important to realize that lowering only belly fat is

impossible. You must burn fat with by working and developing a higher muscles

mass which will burn more calories even when you rest. Another important

aspect is to reduce fattening food consumption.

There is an argument regarding how much and how often should one work on

his belly muscles. It depends on you, your time, and how quickly do you want to

start shaping your belly. It is recommended to work once in two days for 15

minutes, work real hard the n rest the next day. It is possible to work every day

on the belly muscles, contrary to other muscles, but its best to start in this

moderate manner and move from there.

This is it the big secret do not expect to find specific exercises, it is not the most

important thing the key to win your fight for a flat belly is in the combination of

low fat diet and exercises which will end up in a flat belly.

What is the benefit of walking?

Image result for walking

Know the benefits

Maintain a healthy weight and lose body fat. Prevent or manage various conditions,

including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer and type 2 diabetes.

Improve cardiovascular fitness. Strengthen your bones and muscles.



What words mean successful?

Synonyms of ‘successful’ in American English










What leads to success?

To achieve success you must strive very hard to meet your goals, and that requires big ideas

and an indeterminate will to execute them. If you were to ask any successful person or

motivational coach about how to achieve success, then their first piece of advice would most

probably be to “think positively.”

How do I make my life successful?

8 Simple Ways to Be Successful—from 8 Inspiring Leaders.

Be Passionate. And do what you for love.

Work Hard. Don’t ever fool yourself—success comes from really hard work.

Be Good. And by that, I mean damn good.


Push the Limits.


Create Ideas.


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Prepare for the UNFORESEEN

Focus on your Goals.

Foster Good Habits.

Learn from your Mistakes.

Try another Approach.

Take Smart Risks.

Learn from Professionals.


What is the biggest key to success?

With these simple and some of the most important essentials, I believe everyone can achieve

their goals and be successful.

1.Goals Clarity.

2.Self Belief.


4.Knowing your Skill Set.

5.Values and Principles.


7.Positive Attitude.

8.Commitment and Hard Work.