The Wright Stuff provides health care products for people with varying physical needs. We search for and deliver useful tools, appliances, equipment, and rehabilitation products that make accomplishing daily tasks less difficult.

How many times have you got on the scale in the past week??
5 Steps to Hormone Health and Weight Loss
What vitamins help with oxidative stress?
Vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin D, and riboflavin are key dietary antioxidants which
simultaneously protect against excitotoxicity, oxidative stress, and neuroinflammation.
Hormones are are the body’s chemical messengers, sending signals into the
- Insulin. The fat-storage hormone, insulin, is released by your pancreas and regulates
- many of your metabolic processes.
- Melatonin.
- Estrogen.
- Testosterone.
- Cortisol.
bloodstream and tissues. Hormones work slowly, over time, and affect many
different processes, including growth and development, metabolism – how your
body gets energy from the foods you eat- sexual function, reproduction, and mood.
Our hormone health effects our bodies in many ways but one specific way is
an increase in weight. Breaking the Estrogen cycle and then going on an
excellent weight management program is exactly what needs to take place.
Our hormone health effects our bodies in many ways but one specific way is an
increase in weight. Hormonally challenged women gain weight around their middle
between the armpits and the top of the thighs. Often their arms are normal, their
legs are normal and from the neck up they look great! Hormonally challenged men
gain weight around their waists and often are on their way to developing breasts!
Estrogen is produced in our fat cells. Estrogen increases fat cells. As a result more
estrogen is produced and so on and so on.WHAT IS IN WHAT I EAT HELPFUL OR HARMFUL
Breaking the Estrogen cycle and then going on an excellent weight management
program is exactly what needs to take place.
Step One Evaluate your hormones. Find out the ratio of estrogen to progesterone
presently in your body. If out of balance, we call that estrogen dominance, then
you will likely have or currently be gaining weight around your middle.
Step Two Begin an estrogen-lowering program. That will include of course increasing
your progesterone levels with a bio-identical progesterone cream. But hormone
balancing was never all about progesterone. Modulating and balancing estrogens
if found to be out of balance to progesterone is equally important to your weight loss program.
An estrogen-lowering program will include:
– Increase your fiber intake. That happens two ways: 1. Eat as much as you can by
choosing fruits, vegetables and whole grains as your high ?fiber carbohydrate choices
and then add a fiber supplement (Fiber Source 7) to consume 30 to 50 grams of fiber
– Increase the indoles (cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower)
in your diet. That also happens two ways: Eat as much as you can and supplement
with an indole-3-carbinol supplement (EllagiGuard). Target 3 servings a day.
– Increase the essential fatty acids (EFA?s) in your diet. They are essential because t
he body does not make them. They help balance prostaglandin production in the body
and thus help regulate estrogens.
– Increase your overall nutrition by taking extra vitamin C (Super C Crystals) and by taking
a concentrated fruit and vegetable supplement (Fruit and Vegetable Essence).
Step Three Eat 40/30/30. Incorporate a new way of approaching meals purposing to
eat Carbohydrates Proteins and Fats in a balanced way at each meal. When we eat
balanced meals our weight will normalize, our energy levels will increase and our
hormones will be in balance. More information is available in the book ?The Formula?
Step Four Get Moving. Develop a great exercise program with the help of someone
who knows what they are doing. Tailor a program especially for you – one that you
can do and are willing to make a commitment to keep. Most of us need to think in
terms of keeping our bodies moving and staying active for the rest of our lives.
Couch potatoes rarely are healthy.
Step Five Celebrate!! Men and women whose hormones are out of balance feel
unwell. Men and women who have balanced hormones feel well. Achieving hormone
health will increase your overall health and wellness and assist you in losing weight.
You will look younger and feel younger!5 Simple Ways To Lose Weight
Losing unwanted body weight does not have to involve prolonged workout sessions
at the gym or self-defeating fad diet regimens. In fact, most people find that without a
sustained lifestyle change, any weight that is lost during a period of diet or extreme
exercise is gained back once the activity is no longer practiced.
If you would like to lose pounds and keep them off, then you need to invest in a
lifestyle adjustment. By altering only a few important patterns in your di…
Weight loss, Weight loss diet,, weight loss program, obesity, weight loss on line
Losing unwanted body weight does not have to involve prolonged workout sessions
at the gym or self-defeating fad diet regimens. In fact, most people find that without
a sustained lifestyle change, any weight that is lost during a period of diet or extreme
exercise is gained back once the activity is no longer practiced.
If you would like to lose pounds and keep them off, then you need to invest in a
lifestyle adjustment. By altering only a few important patterns in your diet and
exercise routine, you can literally lose weight without much effort. Here are some
tips to help you quickly drop those extra pounds:
1. Walk for 30 minutes each day. Walking is not only a stress-reducer, but it is also
more effective in inducing fat loss than a 30-minute jog. Here’s why: running helps
you burn calories and quickly tone leg muscles because of the repeated flexing and
force exerted on the leg muscles. However, because running increases the heart rate
to aerobic levels, the heart rate also drops quickly once the activity has been stopped.
Walking, however, increases the heart rate to the fat-burning level. Any activity
performed at the fat-burning level will have a longer-lasting impact. Thus, while you
might flex and strain your muscles less during a 30-minute period of walking, the
heart rate will stay elevated for a longer period of time.
2. Cut the portion in half. Whether you are eating a cheeseburger or plate of fries, divide
the dish in half. If you are tempted to nibble on more than half, then give it away to a
friend or have it wrapped up to take home (if you are dining out). Cutting your meal
in half will not only decrease your calorie and fat in take dramatically, but it will help
your body to become accustomed to smaller portions of food.
3. Get a full night’s rest. Many people find, and most doctors know, that getting a full
night of undisturbed sleep not only leaves you feeling energized for a new day, but
it helps your body metabolize your food much more efficiently. When they body is in
the resting state during sleep, it actually works much harder to process energy than
if you were to sit on the sofa watching the television. Furthermore, if you are fully rested,
you will be more likely to take on projects with more vigor and energy the next day
(which will help you burn more calories.) So go on – get those zzzz’s.
How are turnips good for you?
Image result for turnip
Turnips are a cruciferous vegetable with multiple health benefits. They boast an
impressive nutritional profile, and their bioactive compounds, such as glucosinolates,
may support blood sugar control, protect against harmful bacteria, and provide
anticancer and anti-inflammatory effects.
4. Call your mother. And take care of other items on your to-do list before they pile up.
Undue stress has a very negative physiological effect on the body and contributes to
fat storage in the cells. By reducing small amounts of stress in your life, you can quickly
and simply reduce fatty deposits on your body, especially in the stomach area. So go
ahead: call your loved ones!
5. Drink plenty of liquid. Liquid hydrates your cells and helps them push harmful toxins
through your body more efficiently. By drinking plenty of liquid, such as water, juice and
even tea, you will help your cells function at their best without much effort at all.
If you drink tea and coffee, be aware that they contain caffeine, which can increase your
metabolism while it is in your system, but tends to slow your body down once it leaves.
Caffeinated beverages should always be consumed with an extra glass of water to ensure
that you do not end up depleting your body of necessary liquids.
To ensure that your lifestyle alterations become lasting, practice them with friends and
loved ones. Adjusting to any changes can be easier if you have a friend with whom
you can share the journey and help to keep each other on track.
What are the four types of beef?
There are 8 main primal cuts of beef: chuck, rib, loin (consisting of the short loin
and the sirloin), round, flank, plate, brisket, and shank.
What is the tastiest steak?
ribeye steak
The ribeye steak is perhaps the finest of all steaks due to its combination of
luxurious tenderness and big, beefy flavor. Whether you opt for the boneless or
bone-in version, ribeye steaks are ideal candidates for the grill.
Are grapes a healthy snack?
“Grapes have also been shown to promote healthy blood lipid profiles, counter oxidative
stress and inflammation, and platelet aggregation.” Grapes naturally have no saturated fat
or cholesterol and are very low sodium, making them a great heart-healthy snacking choice.