Health is wealth! We all have heard of this term in this journey of life. We

understand its meaning, but its relevance and deepness is realized only when you

are down! Being physically fit is the best reward that one could ever have.

There is no gift which is more valuable than the gift of health. Health industry is

booming and there is a reason behind that.MUSCLE MASS SELF ESTEEM YOUR DIET MATTER YOUR HEALTH

People are becoming extra cautious of their health especially due to awareness and

the tedious routines which is increasing tendency of diseases in young people too!

Here is how you can step on the pathway of being physically fit!

Exercise: You should incorporate exercise in your routine to stay fit and active.

exercise reduces the stiffness in your body and improves the blood flow which keeps you

active throughout the day.

You can do swimming, cycling, yoga, running or jogging. It is very easy to include 3
these in your routine if you spare some time.


I will not only maintain the weight of your body but would also improve the

metabolism and immunity. Both if these are important ingredients in the recipe

of health!

You can join group classes or nearby gym to attain the continuity. If you are

part of group of people who are fitness

conscious then it will help you in attaining the routine quickly.

Yoga is combination of cardio and strength. It helps you in learning how can you

balance, meditate and focus on things.

There are variety of exercises available and it is always a good practice to include

some strength training sessions. You need to gain muscle as you start to age as

they drain out of strength.10 SUPERFOODS TO ADD TO YOUR DIET NOW

So lifting some weights, dumbbells under supervision will prove to be a good idea!

Healthy food and beverages: It is important to include the foods which are rich

in Iron, Vitamin D, C & B in your diet for a healthy body.

If you are a non-vegetarian, you might already be getting enough of these but if

you are a vegetarian, you need to be extra cautious of your diet! Go for regular

health check-ups to address any deficiencies that you may have!

Smoking and alcohol and rather make a habit to drink coconut water, coriander

seeds water and juices daily.


It is important to create a culture of wellness to yield sustainable results of

health in long run. Being healthy and physically fit has a direct correlation

to happiness and success.

A healthy mind rests in healthy body! Staying physically fit not only impacts

your personal and lifestyle but also improves your performance at work.

In order to drive the business forward and inspire your team, a good leader should

maintain mental and physical wellness.FREE INFORMATION

At every stage of life, you are constantly pushed beyond your threshold/ comfort

zone. A healthy body has stamina and mental ability to endure the challenges

at every stage of life.

This helps you in maintaining your cool and also reduces symptoms associated with

anxiety and Great Health.

What is the most important part of physical fitness is?

What are the five categories of physical fitness?

What are some examples of physical fitness?

What are the five factors of physical fitness?


Physical fitness is a state of health and well-being and, more specifically, the

ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations and daily activities.

Physical fitness is generally achieved through proper nutrition, moderate-vigorous

physical exercise, and sufficient rest.


“ What If ? ”

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What if, What if, What if. This question comes at us every day. What if I said this, What if I did that or what if I didn’t.

It comes down to decisions. We all have decisions to make every day of our lives. We all make good and bad decisions. That’s life. When you look back on your life you can think of some really great decisions that you made, decisions that have altered the course of your life.

You can also remember some really bad ones that have affected you in a negative way.

Life is never static, it’s always changing and opportunities come and go. Doors open and we have to decide whether to step through and seize the opportunity or not.

When you are standing in front of that open door of opportunity the question arises “What if?” do I or don’t I. We need to make a decision. How do we make decisions? This depends on our background, education, life experiences, and sometimes advice from others.

We don’t know each other, but I would like to give you some advice. Suppose I said that I knew something that could change your life forever for the better. Would you be interested?

Suppose I said I knew someone that was showing other people how to acquire something like real estate for free. Suppose you could also learn how to build on your “land” something like a five-star hotel.

You would also learn how to market your “hotel” and collect rent from guests that pay to stay. Would you be interested?

What am I talking about? It’s called virtual real estate. Your own space on the World Wide Web or Internet if you prefer. If you own space there it can turn out to be very valuable property.

The most expensive house in the world is a 12 bedroom mansion in London England for which an Indian steel tycoon paid $128 million.

The most valuable web page in history, to date, will probably be the six million dollar page by Alejandro Saavedra and Robert Kanat. Now here’s the difference. The tycoon paid $128 million for the house.

How much did these two guys pay for the page? Next to nothing. Maybe a couple of hundred bucks at the most depending on how they went about it.

I am going to open a door for you that could literally change your life. The only cost is your time and effort. Now you must decide! Ask yourself the following question:-

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