10 Tips To Improved Hair Care

The information contained in this article is to be used for reference only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional hair care advice. Anyone who notices a concerning condition, relating to their hair, should consult a dermatologist for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

10 Tips To Improved Hair Care

Hair care is an important part of looking good and feeling good, both inside and out. There are an endless number of hair care products that promise to shape up, curl, straighten, moisturize and rejuvenate, but what is the best way to maintain healthy hair?

Here are 10 tips to get you started.

If you notice split ends, have them trimmed. This will result in healthier hair and a better overall appearance.

A trim is relatively inexpensive and should only take a matter of min…

Hair care is an important part of looking good and feeling good, both inside and out. There are an endless number of hair care products that promise to shape up, curl, straighten, moisturize and rejuvenate, but what is the best way to maintain healthy hair?

Here are 10 tips to get you started doing it yourself.

If you notice split ends, have them trimmed. This will result in healthier hair and a better overall appearance.

A trim is relatively inexpensive and should only take a matter of minutes at the local salon.

Use a low to medium heat on your hair dryer. Extreme heat can dry out the hair and cause the frizzies.

Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, which is not only bad for your skin, but can dry out your hair as well.

Many people suffer from dandruff. If you are one of the many, avoid scratching or rubbing the head as this will promote flaking.

Instead, use a shampoo and/or conditioner that is especially designed to treat dandruff and eliminate flaking.

If you have thin hair, add a volumizing shampoo for added body. If you have thick hair, using a healthy shine shampoo will bring out the additional beauty.CLICK NOW FOR MORE INFORMATION

Avoid harsh hair care products, which can dry out or damage the hair. In some cases, individuals have even experienced hair loss in using certain at-home perm and/or coloring treatment products.

If you want to have this type of treatment done, have it done at the salon.

In choosing a salon, make sure that you opt for one that has been in business for awhile and has a clean, professional workspace.

Ask friends for referrals. If they have used a certain hair care product, which coincides with one that you are searching for, inquire about their experience.

The same is true with salons, which are often best recommended by friends and family.

When brushing your hair, use soft strokes rather than those swiped in a hurry. A part of quality hair care is, just as the name implies, caring for your hair.

When using styling products, make sure that they do not overheat prior to using them on your hair.

Extreme heat can and will damage the hair, not to mention the discomfort of a burn resulting from an overheated styling product.

The information contained in this article is to be used for reference only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional hair care advice.

Anyone who notices a concerning condition, relating to their hair, should consult a dermatologist for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.


10 Great Hair Care Tips

If you watch the tabloids, you know that even the stars have bad hair days. It just seems that when the professional stylists are out of the picture, it is inherently human to have a less than glamorous mane.

But you can do your part to stay ahead of the battle by following these great tips for hair care.

1. Use a professional conditioner that is formulated for your specific hair type. While you can skimp a little on the shampoo, a good, professional conditioner is a must

If you watch the tabloids, you know that even the stars have bad hair days. It just seems that when the professional stylists are out of the picture, it is inherently human to have a less than glamorous mane.

But you can do your part to stay ahead of the battle by following these great tips for hair care.

1. Use a professional conditioner that is formulated for your specific hair type. While you can skimp a little on the shampoo, a good, professional conditioner is a must have. Look for products in salons that are customized for your hair type.

For instance: If you have color or a perm, choose a conditioner that is for chemically processed hair. And stay away from those all-in-one shampoo and conditioner combos.

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2. Choose a cut tailored to your face and body shape. The number one mistake that people make when choosing a new hairstyle is to pick a style based on popularity rather than how it will enhance their features.

Always choose a new cut based on how it will enhance or detract from your facial features and build. If you have broad shoulders, choose a full-bodied cut over a close cropped head hugging doo.

3. Don’t forget your UV protectants. Just as your skin gets damaged by wind and sun, so does your hair. To combat this, look for finishing products such as mousses, gels and sprays that block UV rays.

4. Keep your appointments. Did you know that your hair will split faster than it will grow? You need to get a trim every 6 to 8 weeks, even if it’s just a micro trim. A good hairdresser makes them good because they know what to leave on the head, not take off.

5. Leave chemicals to the professionals. There is a reason why beauticians need to go to school to learn how to handle chemicals and hair processes.

You can do irreparable damage with these products even if the package says that it’s way easy. And even if you don’t make your hair fall out, you could end up looking like a clown and paying a stylist big bucks to fix your mess. (Note: Most stylists charge double the rate for corrective color than they do for normal color processes)

6. Get color for interest and body. Every cut needs a little bit of color to make it truly breathtaking. No matter whether your taste is subtle or dramatic, you can add interest and volume to your tresses with a color process.

Highlights, lowlights, all over color, gray coverage, you name it, it’s all good for your look.

7. Do weekly conditioning treatments. Even if your hair is extremely healthy, it is constantly on the attack from wind, sun, cold and heat. During the summer months, your hair is battered even more when it absorbs chlorine and other chemicals from your pool.

8. Get an ionic ceramic flat iron. Instead of frying your hair with a conventional metal plated flat iron. Straighten your tresses, add shine and infuse moisture with one of the a negative ionic flat irons. We personally use T3 irons for all our work.

9. Choose your styling products wisely. Avoid products that leave build-up on your hair. If you see white gunk, that means that your product is not water-soluble and may be coating your hair shaft.

Build-up causes limpness, breakage and inability to curl not to mention the white flakes.

10. Did you know that if you use a towel after your shower to dry your hair you are causing split ends and adding static electricity to your hair. Don’t rub the towel back and forth over your hair, scrunch the towel around your hair like your would scrunch crackers in your soup.

While all of these tips won’t make you look like you’ve hired a personal hairdresser, they will help you look the very best that you can each and every day. When it comes to hair care, remember that you wear your hair everyday.

Now isn’t it worth the time, effort and money that it takes to keep it looking spectacular?



6 Month Treasury Bill Rate is at 4.84%, compared to 4.75% the previous market day and

0.70% last year.

1 Year Treasury Rate is at 4.99%, compared to 4.91% the previous market day and 1.13%

last year. This is higher than the long term average of 2.87%.

What is a 1 year treasury?

A Treasury Bill (T-Bill) is a short-term debt obligation backed by the U.S. Treasury

Department with a maturity of one year or less. Treasury bills are usually sold in

denominations of $1,000 while some can reach a maximum denomination of $5 million.

How many new business started in 2022 in usa?

Image result for how many business was started in 2022

5,044,748 new businesses started in 2022 in the United States. While this is a slight

decrease from 2021, it still marks a record-breaking number of new businesses post-pandemic.

For example, 4,381,415 new businesses were formed in 2020, which had broken the previous

record at the time

Starting a Business — Want to be wealthy?

Want To Be Wealthy? Don’t Stop Dreaming

If I asked 100 people if they would like to be rich, I’m sure at least 98 of them would

answer yes. Their answer might range from, “maybe if the conditions were right” to “YES,

and make it fast!”

Most people think of the wealthy as being reserved and probably a bit cautious. The

thinking goes that if the millionaire wasn’t very cautious with how he spends his money,

he wouldn’t have a million dollars left.

But a closer look at who gets wealthy gives a far different pic…

mlm, network marketing, home business, own business and wealth

If I asked 100 people if they would like to be rich, I’m sure at least 98 of them would

answer yes. Their answer might range from, “maybe if the conditions were right” to “YES,

and make it fast!”

Most people think of the wealthy as being reserved and probably a bit cautious. The thinking

goes that if the millionaire wasn’t very cautious with how he spends his money, he wouldn’t

have a million dollars left.

But a closer look at who gets wealthy gives a far different picture. You see, at the

very core

of American business is a deep enthusiasm. People who get rich tend to be people who can make
the most of the American

business system.FREE INFORMATION

And those people tend to be gung-ho, enthusiastic, and more than eager to charge straight ahead.

If you say, “I’ve got a way to make a lot of money, do you want to start tomorrow?” Most will

reply, “Let’s start NOW!”

One European marketing guru got it right when he said, “American business likes to jump in and

take chances. In France they’ll sit on a good idea until it’s time has passed.

Americans can’t wait to get going.” And I would certainly say that attitude toward business

applies to everyone in North America, whether they be in the U.S. or not.

Here are several ways to light your own fire and get your business future on its way:

1. When you see a business opportunity, let your enthusiasm grow. Rather than thinking of all

the ways the business might fail, spend time thinking ONLY of the ways it could succeed

and succeed BIG.

2. Listen to those around you, but don’t let your friends, family, and people at work talk you

out of an idea you really believe in. Scientific studies show it’s very hard to keep your

beliefs solid when two or more people gang up on you.

Keep in that in mind. If you start to see the downside of your business after talking to

others, go back to step one and get yourself fired up again.

3. KEEP yourself fired up. It’s not enough just to get excited at the start. You’ve got to

get up every morning reminding yourself just how cool your business really is.

4. Try to surround yourself with people who see things as you do. That’s a great way to keep

your resolve and pump up your vision.FREE INFORMATION

That may sound a little self-centered, but it’s THE way top corporate leaders get things

done in the CEO’s office. You can use that method even if you’re one person working from

your kitchen table.

America is number one in business worldwide because we aren’t afraid to dream. We aren’t afraid

to be enthusiastic. And that immense, American enthusiasm is our greatest asset in our never

ending quest for wealth and financial security.

11 Reasons Small Businesses Succeed
  • Passionate leadership and a strong “why” .
  • Good management team.
  • Company mission and vision statement. .
  • Unique value.
  • Good market fit.
  • Sound strategy.
  • Marketing budget.
  • Strong financial planning and good financial health.
Jul 29, 2022

This site receive a small fee for sale of items on this site.



What is a consumer simple definition?

Consumers can be either an individual or group of people who purchase or use goods

and services solely for personal use, and not for manufacturing or resale. They are

the end-users in the sales distribution chain.

What is a consumer in economics

Consumer economics deals with the question of how the consumer allocates his scarce

means over a variety of different commodities and services. The consumer is thought to

be able to order the various sets of quantities of goods and services that fit in the

limited budget according to his or her preferences.

Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 2.9 percent in the fourth

quarter of 2022, after increasing 3.2 percent in the third quarter.

What is a simple definition of GDP?

Image result for What is GDP

GDP measures the monetary value of final goods and services—that is, those that are bought by

the final user—produced in a country in a given period of time (say a quarter or a year). It

counts all of the output generated within the borders of a country.

What is GDP with an example?

Image result for What is GDP
We know that in an economy, GDP is the monetary value of all final goods and services produced.

For example, let’s say Country B only produces bananas and backrubs. Figure %: Goods and

Services Produced in Country B In year 1 they produce 5 bananas that are worth $1 each and

5 backrubs that are worth $6 each.

What are the 3 types of GDP?

What are the Types of GDP?

Nominal GDP – the total value of all goods and services produced at current market prices.

Real GDP – the sum of all goods and services produced at constant prices.

Actual GDP – real-time measurement of all outputs at any interval or any given time.

What is GDP and why is it important?

One of the most important is gross domestic product, better known by its initials, GDP. This

economic indicator reflects the monetary value of goods (from food products to vehicles,

machinery and textiles) and services (such as health care, education, etc.) produced in the

country over a certain period of time.

What are the 6 types of consumers?

The survey identified six different types of shoppers, including:

Diligent searchers. According to the survey, these individuals take everything into

account, valuing all product and brand characteristics.

Product selectors. These folks focus on the.

Pleasure shoppers.


Unbiased buyers.

Indifferent consumers.



What are the 5 steps to becoming rich?

The 5 Fastest Ways To Become Rich, According To Experts

Avoid (and Pay Down) Debt. Debt is not necessarily bad in all instances, but it is

something to be avoided most of the time. …

Spend Intentionally and Minimize Costs. …

Invest as Much as Possible in a Diversified Portfolio. …

Work On Your Career. …


Here are the Top 10 keys to your financial success:

Decide to be financially successful. This is different than wishing, hoping, wanting or even desiring to be rich.

Understand how money works.

Set specific goals. .

Develop a budget.

Reduce spending.

Begin investing.

Increase assets.


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The United States economy created one million jobs in 90 days. An unemployment rate of 3.4%.

Currently 50 states Governors are pushing their economies to grow and expand. With over 200

billion dollars of surplus.

What kinds of training opportunities are provided by the federal government?

Training For Federal Employees


Client Enrichment Series.

Contracts & Acquisition Training.

GSA Portal FACA Training Registration.

Technology Management Training.

Fleet Management Training.

Acquisition Training for the Real World.

Training Opportunities for Federal Employees – GSA › about-us › gsa-training-programs

More than 60,000 new students between the ages of 16 and 24 enroll in Job Corps each year,

at an annual cost to the federal government of more than $1 billion.

What is the success rate of Job Corps?

Eighty-eight percent of all Job Corps graduates are placed in jobs, higher education or

the military. Students leave the program with industry-recognized credentials, trained and ready

to contribute in high-demand jobs including health care, manufacturing and construction.

What is the biggest Job Corps in the United States?

Image result for How many students enrolled in Job corps

Gary Job Corps Center is the largest Job Corps center in the United States. We are located on an

800-acre campus in San Marcos, Texas, just a short drive from Austin and San Antonio.

How much is the weekly allowance at Job Corps?

The living allowance (i.e., pay) is based on stay duration (e.g., up to 56 days is $25/pay period

or two weeks, 57-112 days is $30/pay period, 113-182 is $40/pay period and 183+ days at $50/pay period).

You can do it quotes

“Do the best you can. …

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” ―Theodore Roosevelt.

‘It’s never too late to be what you might’ve been.” ―George Eliot.

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” ―Walt Disney.

“Trust yourself that you can do it and get it.” ―Baz Luhrmann.



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First time homebuyers are realizing the American Dream. While renting for

a short period of time is fine building equity, with the tax advantages

is a wealth changing game plan. Homeownership is both wise and profitable

and quite enjoyable.

Below we have posted a few books that great for reading. Also, don’t

overlook audio books. Learn while you travel to and from weeks.




Your Small Business Web Site

A website is a crucial ingredient of your marketing strategy because it can widen your target market to include anyone who has access to a computer and the internet. So, how can you reach some of those internet surfers, and how can you capture some of the billions spent in e-commerce?

small business web site, small business websitHEALTH CARE BENEFITS FOR THE DISABLE

A website is a crucial ingredient of your marketing strategy because it can widen your target market to include anyone who has access to a computer and the internet. Almost 60% of Canadians had access to the internet at home in 2003, and around 8 million had regular access to the internet from somewhere, either at home, at work or at school.

And that’s just in Canada. Ecommerce sales from Canada were $7.2 billion, and we only captured 4% of the global e-commerce market! So, how can you reach some of those internet surfers, and how can you capture some of that $7.2 billion spent in e-commerce?BUILDING RETIREMENT WEALTH

First, you build it

The first step is designing your website. If your company already has business cards and letterhead, it’s best to design your website around them. A matching corporate identity and website helps with branding.STARTING A BUSINESS

I like uncomplicated websites, with a simple layout and easy navigation. A nice, simple layout, with good graphics, a balanced look, and good color combinations is my #1 goal when designing a small business website.

Remember to use graphics sparingly and to optimize them for your website because internet surfers are impatient. If your page loads too slowly, they’ll leave.

Navigation should be easy to find and to use, and it should be consistent from page to page. I’ve left more than one site frustrated because I couldn’t easily find their navigation.

Small business websites aren’t static. They evolve. You need to start somewhere, and starting with an introductory website is probably the easiest. All you really need to start is five pages. You can always add pages later.

The important thing is to just do it—take the plunge and get it out there.

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Lost of income can be devastating. One solutions is to have two incomes,

investments and most of all an emergency fund for 9 months.

1 Step Internet Marketing

A few months ago a new money making system was introduced known as the 1 Step System. The

1 Step System was created by Rod Stinson in order to give home based business entrepreneurs

a new concept of making money online.

1 step system, home business, work at home, 1 step, making money, make money, entrepreneur,

internet business, business opportunity, cash, online cash, investment, emerald passport, pas

When it comes to marketing online and selling products, many people are not sure how to get

visitors to their website or how to market their products.

Any business owner knows that when starting an internet business it’s essential to run strong

marketing campaigns in order to achieve success. Whether it’s promoting a single product,

service, business opportunity, you have to somehow figure out how to get the right people

to see your business.

There are numerous ways to target the right people in order to achieve financial success

online. One way in particular is through bulk e-mail.

Granted it does work and it can be a numbers game, however there are some services that pay

people too open e-mail and read them. In order to find the services that work, you will have

to test them and see which bulk e-mail services yield real results.

A number of very reputable companies offer marketing packages that often contain downloadable

CD’s teaching expert marketing strategies and secrets. A lot of systems have received mass

appeal to online business seekers simply because it cuts out all of the prospecting and

phone calls.

Anyone that has been in any type of network marketing business knows that they can spend an

entire day on the phone prospecting in hopes of finding just 1 person that will join their

opportunity. Marketing systems will do most of this work for you so you don’t have to.

Many marketing systems will let you take a sneak preview of their compensation pay plan and

business model. When it comes to marketing online, it’s easy to make mistakes and it’s easy to

waste a lot of money testing new ideas.

Any marketing package try’s to cut down on the hassle of spending advertising dollars only in

hopes of making it all back. When looking for a new home business it can be an overwhelming

process with all the programs available online.

Most programs do not teach people how to market successfully online which eventually leave people

empty handed and broke. Finding a program that makes it easy to duplicate success is an essential

part of any home based business.

Before deciding on a home based business be sure you know what you’re looking for and by this I

mean find a program with a proven track record. Find a program that has testimonials and a system

already in place that teaches you how to duplicate their success.

We know that most people want to do almost nothing and receive everything. The truth that comes

with any home based business is that it does take time and effort to get it running. The initial

boost will ensure a long successful home business career.

Eventually you can ease up and put your system on automatic and reap the rewards, but not without


What does home based mean in business?

A home-based business is any business where the primary office is located in the owner’s home.

You don’t have to own the property, but you do need to be running a business out of the same

premises you live in for the business to be considered a home business.

Advice About Setting Up Your Own Business

Are you thinking about setting up your own business? Have you an idea for a new business but are unsure about how to


If you have answered yes to either of these questions, this article could be of benefit to you. I am going to write

about how to plan and create a successful small business.

self-employed, discipline, loan, yellow pages, business, advert, money, exhibitions, costs, success

Are you thinking about setting up your own business? Have you an idea for a new business but are unsure about how to


If you have answered yes to either of these questions, this article could be of benefit to you. I am going to write

about how to plan and create a successful small business.

Many people are looking at ways in which they can become self-employed as they have had enough of being dictated to

and fed up of long and frustrating commutes to work.

They want the freedom of being their own boss and to be able to choose their own hours of work.

Leaving a full time career can be quite a scary prospect however. The security of having a regular income and other

benefits such as a pension and a share save scheme can seem hard to let go.

I am sure many people whether rightly or wrongly have opted to stick with this security and to merely keep their

business plan as an idea, which they never see through or use.

Other people are willing and happy to take the risk and see it as a way of getting out of the rat race.

When you have an idea for a new business you then need to think of a name to call it. I would keep this name quite

short as it makes it easier to remember for people.

It obviously needs to have something to do with the business sector you are entering.

You will now need to work out how much money you will need to set up the business. This can be quite daunting but is


In the short term I would advise to keep these start up costs as low as possible, you can always buy or rent better

machinery in the future as an example.

Once you are aware of how much money you need, you then have to find it. You may have enough yourself via savings or

a redundancy payout, however most people are not in this position.

If you do not have enough money, you could try and raise money via

the family, by seeking a partner or by releasing the equity from your house. There is also the option of a business


The next stage is to market your product or service. There are many ways of doing this including:

The internet via a website

An advert in the newspaper

Direct marketing in the form of leaflets

An advert in the yellow pages


Trade fairs

I would advise finding out where other people from your industry advertise as they will have

tried and tested many of the above options.

You then need to work out how much to charge for your product or service. I always keep these

charges fairly low at the outset in order to attract as many people as I can and to get some

income in.

I then hope that word of mouth will take over and the idea is that after a few months I will be

in a position to increase my fees.

It is also important to realize that we will make mistakes along the way. When this happens

we need to think positive and not to beat ourselves up. It is an experience we can learn from.

Always have belief in yourself. At times any business will go through a rocky period, this is

when we need to be strong.

In my opinion the more work we put in, the more rewards we are likely to obtain.

Self-discipline is one of the keys to your success. Being able to choose your own hours of work

may seem like a dream but it can prove to be many peoples downfall.

We have to ensure that we work the required amount of hours. It is far too easy to stay in bed

for that extra hour or to arrange yet another game of golf.

These things are fine once you are established, but this is a long way off at this stage.




What does it mean when someone is prospering?

: to succeed in an enterprise or activity. especially : to achieve economic success.

: to become strong and flourishing. transitive verb.

STEP 1: What makes a person prosper?

Thus, prosperity involves three things: Money: earned in a way that aligns with your

inner self and values. Happiness: which involves health, service, and other key relationships.

Sustainability: which is a method of making money that increases your health and well-being

or the long-term.

What is another word for prosper?

Prosper often implies success in terms of wealth, health, and happiness. But it can also be used

broadly, much like the words succeed, thrive, and flourish.

STEP 2: Why is it important to flourish and prosper?

It means you are able to have a good effect on people and things around you and you are

clearly doing well. Prosper means you do well at what you do. It also means you make a lot

of money so you can pay all your bills and have money left over to buy the things you need

and do the things you want to do.

STEP 3: What can help people prosper?

Here are seven common attitudes that lead to a way of life that makes it natural to prosper

financially and in every aspect of life:

Believe you can prosper.

Develop wisdom and understanding.

Set worthy goals.

Make your work count.

Be true to yourself.

Be generous.

Step 4

Here are 4 ways you can start recession-proofing your finances.

Pay down debt.

Build an emergency fund.

Live within your means.

Keep your credit score in check.

What thrives during a recession?

What businesses do well in a recession? Due to elasticity of demand, industries not impacted

by recession are usually in essential services, like health care, senior services, grocery

stores and maintenance such as plumbing and electrical.

Be grateful.





The American Greatest Dream Home Ownership

Existing-Home Sales Dipped 7.7% in November

2 days ago — Sales slipped 7.7% from October and 35.4% from the previous year. The median

existing-home sales price

rose to $370,700, an increase of 3.5% …

What is the 15-year mortgage rate right now?(UPDATE –December 22, 2022

Today’s national 15-year mortgage rate trends

For today, Wednesday, December 21, 2022, the national average 15-year fixed mortgage

APR is 5.90%, down compared to last week’s of 6.03%.

How much money should I save before buying a house?

If you’re getting a mortgage, a smart way to buy a house is to save up at least 25% of

its sale price in cash to cover a down payment, closing costs and moving fees. So, if

you buy a home for $250,000, you might pay more than $60,000 to cover all of the different

buying expenses.https://www.hud.govAN OFFICIAL UNITED
Why do they call it Dow Jones?

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is a stock market index created by Wall Street Journal

editor Charles Dow. Founded on May 26, 1896, the average is named after Dow and statistician

Edward Jones.

Who controls the stock price?

Once a company goes public and its shares start trading on a stock exchange, its share price is

determined by supply and demand in the market. If there is a high demand for its shares, the

price will increase. If the company’s future growth potential looks dubious, sellers of the stock


Which loan is best for first-time home buyers?

FHA loans are excellent for first-time homebuyers because, in addition to lower up-front loan costs

and less stringent credit requirements, you can make a down payment as low as 3.5%. 4 FHA loans

cannot exceed the statutory limits described above.

How much can a first-time buyer borrow?

The maximum amount you are able to borrow from a lender is based upon your annual salaried wage.

Most commonly lenders allow you to lend between 4 and 4.5 times your annual salary – some will

offer 5 times, some 6 and in very, very rare cases, 7 times the amount.

What are the steps to buying a home for the first-time?

10 Steps to Buying a Home

Step 1: Start Your Research Early. …

Step 2: Determine How Much House You Can Afford. …

Step 3: Get Prequalified and Preapproved for credit for Your Mortgage. …

Step 4: Find the Right Real Estate Agent. …

Step 5: Shop for Your Home and Make an Offer. …


What does it mean living in a Section 8?

The Housing Choice Voucher Program, also known as Section 8, is the federal government’s

program for assisting low-income families, the disabled, and the elderly afford housing.

Participants can choose housing that meets the requirements of the program and receive

housing vouchers to help with their rental costs.

An Overview of Section 8 Housing Assistance – Benefits.gov ›




6 Month Treasury Bill Rate is at 4.52%, compared to 4.54% the previous market day and 0.13%

last year. This is higher than the long term average of 4.48%.

Multiple Streams of Income – 5 Reasons Why You Absolutely Need it

In a nutshell, multiple streams of income means your business has more then one way to make

money. For instance, you sell products and you sell services. Those are multiple streams of

incomes. Why do you need them? Below are five reasons.

business strategies, growing a business, business success, business success strategies,

marketing, copywriting, creativityFRUGAL SPENDING & PAYING DOWN DEBT

I’ve become enamored with the word “multiple,” especially when it pertains to business. I

especially like the idea of harnessing the power of the multiple to grow your business multiple

times over.

There are a lot of things that can be multiple in a business, but in this article I’m focusing

on multiple streams of income.

In a nutshell, multiple streams of income means your business has more then one way to make money.

For instance, you sell products and you sell services. Those are multiple streams of incomes. Why

do you need them? Below are five reasons:

1. Make money while you sleep. This is a big one for those of us who sell our time (also known as

providing services). The biggest drawback to selling time is when you aren’t working, you aren’t

making money. So when you’re on vacation, relaxing over the weekend or (gasp) sleeping, no money
is coming into the business.

But let’s say you create a product or two to sell in addition to your services. Now you’ve just

created a passive income stream (passive meaning it doesn’t require yours or anyone else’s time).

So if you are taking4 a nap or out walking the dogs, money can still be coming into your business.

(What a concept!)

2. Leverage your time. This is especially true with income streams that are passive. Basically

you’re making money without it taking any of your time. Therefore, you can spend your time doing

something else and still enjoy money coming in from a passive income stream.

This is a good way to use your time wisely. (Rather than work for an hour, get paid for an hour, you

can be paid several times in several different ways during that same hour

3. Fill your pipeline. If all you sell is high-priced services, it can be difficult getting

clients to hire you. After all, clients need to trust you and trust they’re getting a good deal for

their money.

If you offer products or lower-priced services, you’re giving those customers a chance to “try you out”

before plunking down several thousand dollars for a major project or consulting work. Because your

clients’ initial investment is lower, you have a chance to lower their resistance to hiring you.

4. Catch a variety of clients. No matter what you offer, a part of your target market is not going

to be interested in hiring you. Why? Because they’d rather do it themselves.

Or maybe they don’t have the money to hire you. Or maybe they do the same thing you do and would

rather learn from you to better their own skills. By offering a product or a class or a group option,

you’re widening your net. Not only are you able to help more people, but you’ll also be making more

money doing it.

5. Diversify. The more income streams you have, the less devastating it will be to lose one. Not to

be negative, but things happen. Industries change. Economies change.

People want different things. If all you offer is services, and those services suddenly become

obsolete, what happens to your business? Or, a more likely scenario, what if you lose your

biggest client?

Or a couple big clients at the same time? Sure, eventually you’ll find other clients to make up

the difference, but what happens in the meantime? What if it takes a month or two or six? Your

bills certainly won’t wait that long.

But if you have other income streams, a dip in your services (or a dip in product income) is

no longer so scary because you’ll still have money coming in.

Creativity Exercise — Find time to create multiple income streams

Probably the hardest part of creating multiple income streams is a lack of time, especially

when your primary business is service based. So, now that you know how important it is, how are

you going to find the time to start doing it?

Here are a few ideas to get you thinking:

* Hire a virtual assistant (VA) or bookkeeper to take care of some tasks you have no business

doing anyway.

* Create systems in your business so you can complete business tasks faster and more efficiently.

* Raise your prices so you can take on fewer clients and make more money.

* Dedicate a Saturday or Sunday to working on your business. (Be careful with this one as you

could very quickly end up burning yourself out.

Get a pen and paper and do some brainstorming to see how you can find more time to start

creating more income streams.



Advice About Setting Up Your Own Business

Are you thinking about setting up your own business? Have you an idea for a new business but are unsure about how to proceed?

If you have answered yes to either of these questions, this article could be of benefit to you. I am going to write about how to plan and create a successful small business.

self-employed, discipline, loan, yellow pages, business, advert, money, exhibitions, costs, success

Are you thinking about setting up your own business? Have you an idea for a new business but are unsure about how to proceed?

If you have answered yes to either of these questions, this article could be of benefit to you. I am going to write about how to plan and create a successful small business.

Many people are looking at ways in which they can become self-employed as they have had enough of being dictated to and fed up of long and frustrating commutes to work.

They want the freedom of being their own boss and to be able to choose their own hours of work.

Leaving a full time career can be quite a scary prospect however. The security of having a regular income and other benefits such as a pension and a share save scheme can seem hard to let go.

I am sure many people whether rightly or wrongly have opted to stick with this security and to merely keep their business plan as an idea, which they never see through or use.

Other people are willing and happy to take the risk and see it as a way of getting out of the rat race.

When you have an idea for a new business you then need to think of a name to call it. I would keep this name quite short as it makes it easier to remember for people.

It obviously needs to have something to do with the business sector you are entering.

You will now need to work out how much money you will need to set up the business. This can be quite daunting but is essential.EARN ADDITIONAL INCOME

In the short term I would advise to keep these start up costs as low as possible, you can always buy or rent better machinery in the future as an example.

Once you are aware of how much money you need, you then have to find it. You may have enough yourself via savings or a redundancy payout, however most people are not in this position.

If you do not have enough money, you could try and raise money via the family, by seeking a partner or by releasing the equity from your house. There is also the option of a business loan.

The next stage is to market your product or service. There are many ways of doing this including:

The internet via a website

An advert in the newspaper

Direct marketing in the form of leaflets

An advert in the yellow pages


Trade fairs

I would advise finding out where other people from your industry advertise as they will have tried and tested many of the above options.

You then need to work out how much to charge for your product or service. I always keep these charges fairly low at the outset in order to attract as many people as I can and to get some income in.

I then hope that word of mouth will take over and the idea is that after a few months I will be in a position to increase my fees.

It is also important to realize that we will make mistakes along the way. When this happens we need to think positive and not to beat ourselves up. It is an experience we can learn from.

Always have belief in yourself. At times any business will go through a rocky period, this is when we need to be strong.

In my opinion the more work we put in, the more rewards we are likely to obtain.

Self-discipline is one of the keys to your success. Being able to choose your own hours of work may seem like a dream but it can prove to be many peoples downfall.

We have to ensure that we work the required amount of hours. It is far too easy to stay in bed for that extra hour or to arrange yet another game of golf.

These things are fine once you are established, but this is a long way off at this stage.


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Should you keep a cash reserve?

It’s wise to have some savings set aside for an emergency, and you may also want to keep some cash

available to invest in the stock market when you feel the time is right. Financial advisers often

recommend having the equivalent of at least six months’ income in cash to cover any unexpected expenses.



It can be confusing for a starter to decide from where to buy his first timeshare from resale market or directly from timeshare resort or developer.

It can be a hard decision to make with both having its own advantages and disadvantages.

Buying timeshares in the resale market like auction websites or advertising through classifieds is a recent concept compared to buying from developers which has been there since its inception.

Internet has brought everything to the doorsteps of the people and thus benefiting the timeshare market also.

Websites such as, and provide prospective buyers with more information on the property and also wide variety of buying options.

The scenario was totally different a decade ago when the buyers used to buy timeshares through timeshare presentations hosted by timeshare developers.


The decisions taken to buy timeshares were mostly based on one’s impulse rather than research and analysis.

But with the advent of internet auction sites a user has more powerful tools to research the prices in advance even if he is going to a presentation.

The buyer can make a more informed choice today than earlier. Buyers can also avoid the trauma of sitting through a timeshare presentation by buying through resale market.

The presentations sometimes take ninety minutes and can go even longer.

At the end of the presentation the buyers who were brought in on the pretext of a free gift are subjected to high pressure selling techniques, and this yield to sign a paper and buy a timeshare.

Now talking about the cost comparison, a developer’s timeshare offer includes the cost of advertisement, presentation, free gifts etc.


which is whopping of the cost of the timeshare and sometimes this exceeds the cost of the timeshare resale.

On the other hand if one buys a timeshare through a resale market one can buy the timeshare cheaper. Also buying through a resale market offers you more choice and freedom to select your desired unit.

You know that you are getting the best price. It is definitely worth saving thousands of dollars by buying a resale.

But there are good reasons to buy from a developer. There are many reputed companies that have ventured into timeshare business like Marriot, Disney, and Hilton etc.

When you are buying through a resale market there is a margin of doubt whether your investment is secured or not and the trust factor is low.

here as the timeshare developers spend fortunes in the development of timeshares and have great reputation and thus can be easily trusted.

They give you the best and the latest amenities which you can never get from a resale unless it’s a relatively new unit.

Another high point of buying through a developer is that they offer many incentives and benefits to their customers in the form of bonus weeks, discounts on attraction tickets, car rentals and much more.

On the other hand these benefits may not be available to you if you bought your timeshare through resale market as many developers does not allow timeshare resale units with same amenities compared to those who bought directly from them.

Also the developers usually offer many financing options that you may not get if you buy from a resale market.

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The Federal Reserve isn’t weaken the United States of America. A 4.25 Federal Fund Rate,

even a 5.25 will not weaken the United States economy. Just because the Federal Reserve

increase interest rates it only a factor if the fed fund rate was already impacting the

economy negatively. If the rate was 5 or 6 % and slowing the the economy, any increase would

impact the economy. When the Federal Reserve starting increasing rate, the Fed Fund Rate was

0.18% and the first increase was only 25 basis points. With a six month lag time , means in

December 2022 the Federal Fund Rate was still stimulating the US Economy. Please comment.

The red-hot job market capped off 2022 on a high note, with employers adding 223,000 jobs in December,

the Labor Department reported Friday.


unemployment during the week ending December 24

was 1,694,000, a decrease of 24,000 from the previous week’s.

It is true, a large portion of the global economy is in an recession, China having

problem reopening and inflation soaring. What set the United States of America Economy

on such an awesome road of prosperity is the huge amount of stimulus by the Federal

Reserve and the Federal Government.

American Rescue Plan Act

Seven weeks into his presidency, Biden signed into law a $1.9tn economic stimulus plan

designed to combat the coronavirus pandemic and begin repairing the nation’s frayed social

safety net. The bill, passed by Democrats on a party-line vote, sent $1,400 stimulus checks

to tens of millions of Americans and temporarily extended unemployment benefits.

It included billions in funding to speed up vaccination distribution and school reopening

and additional money to help state and local governments weather the pandemic-induced economic

downturn. The legislation also temporarily increased the annual Child Tax Credit, a policy

experts say helped halve child poverty in America before it ended.

In addition, the Federal Reserve added trillions more with a Fed Fund Rate of 0.18. Not to

mention purchasing billions of dollars in mortgage back securities. Americans have over 1.7

trillion dollars in saving as of January 1, 2023.

Inflation is still to high, so is crime and the labor shortage are all problems. 2023 will the

year to deal with all of this. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONESimple and Easy Debt ReductionGet Lucky with St. Patrick's Day Sales Down to $6.59




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