Yes their are foods that help reduce weight and help individual to overcome

obesity. When looking for high-protein foods for weight loss, you can

consider lean meats, poultry, and fish, which are good sources of

complete protein with little carbs and fat. Some other foods that are high

in protein and may help with weight loss. Their are also foods that are high

in proteins but low in calories. Increase your protein intake without a lot

of extra calories by choosing lean protein, low-fat or non-fat dairy, fish,

eggs, and plant protein. Protein is a vital part of your diet.


Yet, to loose weight it is a must to know what is in what you’re eating and

the amount of food you’re actually consuming. Whether your plate is cover

with food or a sufficient amount to stop being hungry is also a key to


Five foods that may help burn belly fat include:

foods with soluble fiber like fruits, vegetables, and legumes.

foods with protein like meat, fish, eggs, and dairy.

fatty fish like tuna and salmon.

foods with probiotics like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi.

green tea.


10 best ways to quickly and safely drop 20 pounds.

Count calories. …

Drink more water. …

Increase your protein intake. …

Reduce your refined carb consumption. …

Start lifting weights. …

Eat more fiber. …

Follow a sleep schedule. …

Add cardio to your routine

Jaime Brenkus’ 30-Day Shape Up & Slim Down Challenge: Shed Pounds & Inches in 30 days, guided by Jaime Brenkus of 8-Minute Abs.How to flatten your stomach in a week?

How to Get a Flatter Stomach in a Week: Quick Toning Tips

Things You Should Know

Do cardio exercises, like running, swimming, or jogging throughout the week.

Target your ab muscles with exercises like crunches and planks.

Eat small meals every 2 to 3 hours to stay full for longer.

Reduce bloating with potassium-rich foods, like mangoes, cantaloupe, and papaya.

Jaime Brenkus’ Radiance Supplement Bundle: Regain Your Youthful Glow. Specially Formulated for Baby Boomers by Jaime Brenkus of 8-Minute Abs.



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Try these great ways to get rid of that stubborn fat!

stubborn fat, weight loss, exercise, diet, metabolism, fat

Eat less … lose weight?!? Here’s the other stuff you can do to get leaner.

1) Don’t diet to extremes. Reducing calories by 15-20% a day will almost exclusively

burn fat while larger cuts in calories will burn a combo of muscle tissue and fat.

Muscle drives the metabolism – calorie burning. If you’re currently eating 3000 calories,

reduce to 2400-2550, but do so according to smart guidelines like those laid out in

The Living Health Weight Loss Audio.

2) Graze all day. Professional athletes and models eat all day long yet keep their total

calories under control. The grazing method, 5-6 small meals, elevates the metabolism.

Each time you eat, the metabolism increases, and over a 6-10 week period, that increase

can parlay into another 2-3 pounds of fat loss.

3) Increase Protein. Carbs, protein and fat – are equal in their efficiency to be stored

as body fat, but protein exerts a greater metabolic boosting effect than carbs or dietary

fat. When calories drop, protein saves muscle which helps keep the metabolism elevated.

Aim for 1.2 grams per pound of bodyweight daily.

4) Play with Carbs. Carbs help retain metabolic boosting muscle yet they can stimulate

fat storage. Following a modified low carb diet – staggering your carbohydrate intake is

one of the most effective ways to jump start your
metabolism and to burn stubborn fat fast (as outlined in Maximize Your Metabolism and

the Living Health Audio Program.)

5) Go Backward. One reason fat loss comes to a halt; the body downgrades its metabolism

to meet its dwindling intake of calories. The solution: dramatically increase your calorie

intake once every 2-3 weeks. The one day splurge “re-sets” the metabolism by restoring

thyroid levels, the calorie burning hormone that declines with dieting.

6) Skip the Late Night Carbs. Carbs eaten before bedtime are more likely to be stored as

body fat so focus on lean proteins and fiber based vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and

salad fixings. The lone exception: if you train late at night and your goal is to build muscle

mass, you’ll need the carbs to replenish glycogen and support growth.

7) Go Fish. When calories are controlled, the inclusion of omega-3 fatty acids found in

salmon, trout and sardines may promote speedier fat loss. One study revealed dieters

who ate fish on a daily basis lost more weight than those who ate fish just once a

week (Am Journ Clin Nutr 70:817-825, 1999)

8) Go Spicy. Red peppers, the spicy ingredient in Mexican and Indian dishes contains

Capsaicin which can increase the metabolic rate by effecting the Sympathetic Branch

of the Nervous system. Spiking your chicken dishes with red might be a small benefit

or you can gulp 5 to 10 encapsulated grams of Capsaicin from your local health food s

tore. (Journal of Nutrition 116:1272-1278, 1986.)

9) Don’t Be Cardio Crazy! Radically reducing calories slows the metabolism short

circuiting fat loss. Same is true with radical caloric expenditure. You know: 2 cardio

sessions a day. Excess cardio slows the metabolism, promotes a loss in muscle and

even can lower testosterone levels. For real results, stick to 4-6 sessions a week, 30 – 45

minutes at a clip and maintain a high level of intensity.

10) Separate Cardio From Weight Training. What happens when you do cardio first

and follow it up with weight training? You don’t build as much muscle density. How

bout cardio after training? You risk overtraining and the negative hormonal milieu that

can stifle the metabolic rate. The best scenario; hit the cardio in the morning – on an

empty stomach – get in a few meals and return to the gym later in the day to build

muscle density.

11) Serotonin Control. Serotonin is a brain chemical that helps controls hunger. Guess

what? It can take a nose dive with dieting. ( R.J. Wurtman and J.J. Wurtman, “Brain serotonin,

carbohydrate-craving, obesity, and depression.” Advances in Experimental Medicine and

Biology 398 (1996): 35-41.) One way to prevent a drop; smaller, more frequent meals.

12) Garlic Chicken! Mother Earth’s flavor enhancer stimulates adrenaline and uncoupling

proteins (UCP). Adrenaline triggers fat breakdown and UCP, located in metabolically active

“brown fat”, increase calorie burning. Garlic also controls cortisol levels which can supports

muscle retention while dieting. For best results use fresh raw garlic in your salads or on

your other meals, but if you can’t handle raw garlic then use fresh bulbs in you cooking

or give supplements a try. (Oi Y, et al., Allyl-containing sulfides in garlic increase

uncoupling protein content in brown adipose tissue, and noradenaline and adrenaline

secretion in rats. J Nutr 129:336-342,1999.) (Wang HX, Et al., Natural products with

hypoglycemic, hypotensive, hypocholesterolemic, antiatherosclerotic and antithrombotic a

ctivities. Life Sci 65:2663-2677,1999.)

13) Sip Green Tea. Green tea contains caffeine and polyphenols called epilgallocatechin

gallate which have been shown to increase calorie burning. These special calorie burning

compounds help burn an extra 100 or-so calories a day, about equal to a brisk walk. I

n maximizing fat loss, every calorie counts. (Dullo, A.G., et al., Efficiency of a green tea

extract rich in catechin polyphenols and caffeine in increasing 24-h energy expenditure and

fat oxidation in humans. Am J Clin Nutr, 1999. 70(6):p.1040-5.)

14) Fat? Yes Fat! To rip up, you have to eat fewer carbs, but on occasion – say once a week –

you can add a little healthy fat, 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil, some red meat, walnuts or

cashews. The reason? Dietary fat can make the body more effective in using and burning

fat – as long as calories and carbs remain under control. (Thomas CD et al. Nutrient Balance

and Energy Expenditure During the Ad Libitum Feeding of High Fat and High Carbohydrate

Diets in Humans. Am J Clin Nutr 1992;55:934)

15) Thyroid Support. Irony of Ironies. When you eat less and try to dump body fat, a lot of

times the metabolism adapts and burns quite a bit fewer calories. One way to get around

the slowdown is with phosphates. A combo of 537 mgs of calcium phosphate, 107 mgs of

potassium phosphate and 25 mgs of sodium phosphate given to strict dieters yielded a 1

2-19% more elevated metabolism than dieters who did not use phosphates.

16) Write It Down. This one seems simple, but it’s one of the most overlooked tips in shedding

fat. Dieters who record what they eat, meal by meal, day by day, not only make better choices,

but cheat less and eat fewer total calories. Writing it down “keeps you honest” and is a tool for

reminding you that getting lean is a day by day process.

18 Ways To Lose Weight Without Going On A Diet

To lose one pound of body weight in a week, a person must consume about 500

fewer calories than he or she burns each day. Here are 18 ways to lose weight without

going on a diet.

1. Instead of drinking orange juice at breakfast, eat a whole orange. You’ll save about

45 calories.

2. Make your breakfast omelette with four egg whites plus 1/4 cup egg substitute.

Replace regular bacon with Canadian bacon to save even more calories.

3. Switch from whole milk to nonfat or …

ways to lose weight, lose weight, weight loss

To lose one pound of body weight in a week, a person must consume about 500

fewer calories than he or she burns each day. Here are 18 ways to lose weight without

going on a diet.

1. Instead of drinking orange juice at breakfast, eat a whole orange. You’ll save about

45 calories.

2. Make your breakfast omelette with four egg whites plus 1/4 cup egg substitute.

Replace regular bacon with Canadian bacon to save even more calories.

3. Switch from whole milk to nonfat or lowfat milk. Use sugar substitute instead of sugar

in your morning coffee or latte.

4. At lunch, use mustard instead of mayonnaise on your sandwich to save 100 calories

(per tablespoon) . Eliminate the cheese and save 100 more calories.

5. Instead of a Big Mac and large fries, go for a plain hamburger and a small french

fry and save a whopping 590 calories!

6. Don’t eat potato chips at snack time. Have an apple instead for less calories plus the

added benefit of more fiber.

7. Substitute diet cola or iced tea for your usual soda. You’ll save 150-200 calories per drink.

8. Eat every two to three hours with smaller portions. Don’t skip breakfast! Eating small

, frequent meals keeps blood glucose levels stable and minimizes the impulse to overeat.

9. Eat more healthy snacks like dried fruits and nuts, fresh fruits, cut up veggies or yogurt.

10. Substitute whole grain foods for white bread, rice and cereals. You will not only cut fat

and calories, but whole grains have been proven to reduce the risk of colon cancer by

increasing the fiber that your body needs.

11. Saute meat, chicken and vegetables in broth instead of butter. And speaking of butter:

replace it with nonfat sour cream on baked potatoes.

12. Instead of Caesar salad, substitute a dinner salad with nonfat salad dressing.

13. Do you love pasta? Have spaghetti with marinara sauce instead of fettuccini with Alfredo

sauce. You’ll save at least 500 calories!

14. When you’re going out with friends, watch your alcohol intake. Instead of using Coke

or Seven-Up with your drinks, choose tonic water or seltzer.

15. Restaurants are notorious for their huge serving sizes. Eat only half of your dinner and

save the rest for lunch tomorrow. Or simply share the meal with a friend.

16. Get moving. Walk to the store instead of driving. Walking is the best exercise you can

do to lose weight.

17. Get more walking time by replacing coffee breaks with exercise breaks. Also use half

of your lunch break to take a brisk walk with a co-worker.

18. Swim, swim, swim. By swimming for just an hour you can burn 500 calories. You’ll also

end up with a firmer, more toned body.

You don’t have to go on a strict diet to lose weight. Change to more sensible eating habits

and start moving your body by walking, swimming or bicycle riding. You’ll be rewarded

by good health and a fit body.

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If you plan to increase stamina in 2024 an increase in proteins is absolutely

necessary. What is in what your family eat. It is critical that knowledge of

various food content and how the content support your health.

This is key to your shopping list. An apple, salmon, yogurt, beans, peas are all

very inexpensive and support increase stamina.

What is the 30 30 30 rule for protein?

30-30-30 Rule for Weight Loss: Benefits, Risks and How To Try It

The 30-30-30 rule is a weight loss method that involves eating 30 grams of

protein within 30 minutes of waking up, followed by 30 minutes of low-intensity

xercise. Beyond these steps, the method doesn’t involve any other rules, restrictions or counting calories.

What foods are high in protein but low in calories?

The healthiest lower energy-dense choices are foods that are high in protein but

low in fat and calories, such as:

Beans, peas and lentils, which are also good sources of fiber.


Lean meat and poultry.

Low-fat or fat-free dairy products, such as milk, yogurt and cheese.

Egg whites.

How to lose 10 pounds in a week?🍗🥩🍠🥟🍟🍔

To lose 10 pounds, a person can follow these steps.

Follow a low-calorie diet. A low-calorie diet is recommended

when trying to lose weight

Avoid junk food. 🍟🌭🥨🧀

Add lean protein. Lean protein helps build muscle

Move more.

Try high-intensity cardio (WITH DOCTOR APPROVAL)


Eat fewer carbs

Reduce bloating.

If I were to ask you which foods temp you, most likely they wouldn’t be ones

that are very healthy. I bet they would be ice cream, potato chips, pizza, or

something along those lines. In fact, in your mind right now as you’re reading

, you are probably thinking about a food that isn’t healthy. Well, aren’t you?

Stop for a moment and think about it……………….. The point I’m going to make

in this article is that you can change what you crave by changing how you think.

When it comes to the world of dieting you will find that there are many diet,

weight loss, and fitness plans on the market. It takes years for some to

become a contender and others remain a best-kept secret of sorts. One s

such ‘best kept’ secret would be the 3 Hour Diet that was designed by

Jorge Cruise. I am sure that there are many reading along and chuckling

under your breath that there is no way one can lose weight by eating every

three hours however the science behind the theory is fairly common and Jorge

Cruise is a mainstay in the fitness industry.8 HEALTHY TIPS TO WEIGHT LOSS AND SHAPE UP

The long and short of this diet operates with the knowledge that if you do

not feed your body accurately and regularly your body will go into what is

called ‘starvation mode’. In this

mode your body holds onto the fat rather than burning it up and consuming

it for use. This means that your body is burning muscle rather than fat to take

the energy it needs in order to function.


With the 3 Hour Diet you will not feel hungry all the time, in fact, there are

many who claim they are constantly setting alarms and reminding themselves

o eat. You will also learn the proper foods to eat in order to achieve the best

possible results. The key is in learning which foods are right for you when

dieting with this plan. You can purchase the book The 3-Hour Diet by Jorge

Cruise and you can sign up online for more information about the weight

plan itself and how to incorporate it into your busy routine.Freebies at, Free newsletter

I do recommend purchasing the book if you are seriously considering this as

your method of dieting as there are many wonderful hints, tips, and tricks that

are mentioned in the book to help you keep things going no matter how busy

and hectic your lifestyle may be. One thing you need to keep in mind is that

dieting with a program such as this is no small commitment. You need to stick

to the timetable as much as possible in order to achieve the results this plan is

famous for. If you aren’t willing to eat every three hours then this plan really may

not be the plan for you.

Otherwise, if this is something you would be interested in, I highly recommend it.


There are special considerations based on the amount you weight currently

and the amount of weight you are hoping to lose. It is best if you are honest

throughout the process in order to achieve the best possible and most

immediate results. The claim is that you can lose as many as 10 pounds in the

first two weeks and there are those that have claimed to do just that over and

over again. This is a diet that even many celebrities endorse for quick and

immediate results.

The good and the bad about 3 hour dieting is that it is effective but takes a very

real commitment on the part of the one that is dieting. This diet is one that is

taking the world by storm. If you haven’t heard of it before now, please take the

time to check it out and see if this is something you could incorporate into your

life. The results that have been reported as a result of this diet as nothing short

of phenomenal.


If there were one diet I would recommend above others for

hose who hate feeling hungry, it would be this diet.

When you are dealing with a phenomenon as diverse as human beings, it is

very difficult to create rules which will work equally well for everyone.

Nevertheless, there are some characteristics shared by all human beings, and

this means that some basic principles can be developed. Here are five proven

techniques to help you lose weight.

fast weight loss, weight loss tips, lose weight fast

When you are dealing with a phenomenon as diverse as human beings, it is

very difficult to create rules which will work equally well for everyone.

Nevertheless, there are some characteristics shared by all human beings, and this

means that some basic principles can be developed. Here are five proven techniques

to help you lose weight.

Best Way 1

The most fundamental strategy of successful weight loss is to burn more calories than

you take in. You shouldn’t find it difficult to apply this in some aspect of your life.

Adjust your diet by cutting down on high fat food, and take some simple exercise for

twenty minutes, three times a week. Going for a brisk walk instead of driving

everywhere will have the desired effect, as will gentle jogging or swimming.

Best Way 2

Gym membership is becoming increasingly popular, and, as long the exercise you do

is well planned, it can be extremely beneficial. Aerobic exercise has to be the focal

point of your plan, otherwise you could do more harm than good. Provided you

adhere to this basic rule, some anaerobic weight or resistance training can help tone

up your body. This will give you more strength and vitality, and should increase your


Best Way 3

Going to see a professional nutritionist or dietician can pay off handsomely. If you

go it alone, you will need to put in some serious research to make sure you are

genuinely eating healthily, and many who try this find themselves discouraged by

the lack of variety in their diet. It certainly doesn’t have to be that way, as there

are plenty of different healthy meals which help you lose weight. Getting the advice

of a professional can make the task of losing weight seem so much more enjoyable!

Best Way 4

Find a friend to train with. If you and a friend are both regularly free at the same time

of day, it can make sense to train together. Having someone to help you through

the times when you don’t seem to be getting anywhere can keep you in the game

until the improvement suddenly appears. Having a social aspect to your exercise

will help you look forward to it, and make you more likely to stick to it!

Best Way 5

Eat less food more often. Many medical practitioners now recommend eating more

meals a day, with less food at each one. This is a more balanced way to take food

into the body, spreading the load on the body over a far wider period of time. The

system of eating three meals a day is designed far more to fit in with the working day

than it is to fit in with the needs of the human body. When you eat less more often,

the body absorbs more of the nutrients in the food, so your body craves fewer calories.

The best and most effective method for weight loss does depend on the individual,

but follow these time tested principles and you will see results. Click the links below

to discover some effective resources to help you. provides a large selection of high performance exercise therapy products from hand exercisers to cardio equipment, stretching to strength building.
ArtrhtisSupplies.comArtrhtisSupplies.comCaregiverProducts.comMobility-Aids.comA practical and revolutionary tableware solution for people with disabilities who have difficulty eating due to the movement of the dinnerware.

The Freedom Dinnerware no slip Suction Pad is a patented vacuum system. When you place the Freedom Dinnerware non skid dishes with pad attached, on a flat surface and push down with slight pressure , it creates a suction system that holds the Freedom Dish in place and will not move if you bump it or hit provides a large selection of high performance exercise therapy products from hand exercisers to cardio equipment, stretching to strength building.



12 Metabolism-Boosting Foods to Aid Weight Loss
Fish & Shellfish. Metabolism-Boosting Powers: Fish (salmon, tuna, sardines and mackerel) are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and protein.
Legumes (Also known as beans)
Chili Peppers.
Lean Meats.
Low-Fat Milk.



Foods you should eat to help fight inflammation

We typically think of inflammation as a result of an injury or disease. But diet also plays an important role in chronic inflammation.

This is in part because the foods we eat influence the types of bacteria that populate our gut and their chemical byproducts. While some foods encourage the growth of bacteria that stimulate inflammation, others promote the growth of bacteria that help suppress it. That’s why it’s important to know which foods have anti-inflammatory properties and which can cause inflammation.

Get your copy of Fighting Inflammation
Fighting Inflammation
Chronic inflammation plays a central role in some of the most challenging diseases of our time, including rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, asthma, and even Alzheimer’s. This report will examine the role that chronic inflammation plays in these conditions, and will also provide information on the breadth of drugs currently available to alleviate symptoms. Drug choices range from simple aspirin, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that’s been available for more than a century, to disease-modifying drugs and so-called biologics that promise more targeted treatments.

Foods that fight inflammation

Fruits and vegetables. Most fruits and brightly colored vegetables naturally contain high levels of antioxidants and polyphenols. Polyphenols are potentially protective compounds found in plants. Studies have shown that polyphenols have multiple anti-inflammatory properties and may improve the function of cells that line blood vessels. Foods high in polyphenols include onions, turmeric, red grapes, cherries, and plums, as well as dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and collard greens.
Nuts and seeds. Studies have found that consuming nuts and seeds is associated with reduced markers of inflammation and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Some oils and fatty fish. Olive oil, flaxseed oil, and fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, and mackerel offer healthy doses of omega-3 fatty acids, which have long been shown to reduce inflammation.
Coffee, cocoa and green tea. The polyphenols in coffee and the flavanols in cocoa are thought to have anti-inflammatory properties. Green tea is also rich in both polyphenols and antioxidants.
Foods that can fuel inflammation

The foods that contribute to inflammation are the same ones generally considered bad for other aspects of health. These include:

Sugary sodas
Refined carbohydrates (like white bread and pasta)
Red meat and processed meats
Processed foods. Certain components or ingredients used in processed foods such as the emulsifiers added to ice cream, may have effects on inflammation.
Such foods are also likely to contribute to weight gain, which is itself a risk factor for inflammation..

The key to reducing inflammation with diet

To practice anti-inflammatory eating, it’s best to focus on an overall healthy diet rather than singling out individual “good” and “bad” foods. In general, a healthy diet means one that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, fish, and healthy oils, and limits food loaded with simple sugars (like soda and candy), beverages that contain high-fructose corn syrup (like juice drinks and sports drinks), and refined carbohydrates.

For additional advice about ways to reduce inflammation, check out Fighting Inflammation , a Special Health Report from Harvard Medical School.

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Fighting Inflammation
Fighting Inflammation

• Inflammation: Friend or foe (or both)?
• The biology of the immune response
• When good inflammation turns bad
• Inflammation and allergic responses: When your body rebels against its environment
• Inflammation and autoimmune disease: When your body fights itself
• SPECIAL SECTION: Combating chronic inflammation with lifestyle changes
• Inflammation and your heart


* Please note, we do not provide responses to personal medical concerns, nor can we supply related medical information other than what is available in our print products or website. For specific, personalized medical advice we encourage you to contact your physician.



Essential Vitamins For Acne Remedy

Many young people are deficient in vitamins and minerals due to improper diet. Studies show

that fewer than 32 percent of Americans eat the required servings of vegetables each day.

Also, the American diet is comprised of too much of processed sugar and not enough fruits

and water. A deficiency in essential vitamins and supplements can only spell trouble for

the skin. If your body does not get the required nutrition for skin renewal, tissue repair

and for its organs to naturally d…

acne remedy, vitamins for acne

Many young people are deficient in vitamins and minerals due to improper diet. Studies show

that fewer than 32 percent of Americans eat the required servings of vegetables each day.

Also, the American diet is comprised of too much of processed sugar and not enough fruits

and water. A deficiency in essential vitamins and supplements can only spell trouble for

the skin. If your body does not get the required nutrition for skin renewal, tissue repair

and for its organs to naturally detoxify, then your chances of getting acned skin, along

with other health problems, are likely to increase.

Vitamin A strengthens the protective tissue of your skin and helps in acne remedy. It reduces

the production of sebum and works in repairing the tissue that skin and mucous membranes are

made of. It’s also a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants are important and needed to help rid

your body of toxins that have built up. A lack in Vitamin A can cause acne!

The Complex B vitamins are also helpful in preserving healthy skin through the relief of

stress. Stress has been identified as a major trigger for acne for some people. The B

vitamins should always be taken together. Thiamine is an antioxidant, helps circulation,

and aids in digestion. Riboflavin works with Vitamin A and is essential for healthy skin,

hair, and nails. Niacinamide helps with the metabolism of carbohydrates in your system

and improving circulation. Niacinamide shortage in your diet can cause acne. Pantothenic

Acid or B5 is popular for helping to reduce stress and is needed for the adrenal glands

to function properly. Vitamin B6, or Pyridoxine is important for the correct function of

your immune system and antibody production.

Vitamin C with biofavonoids is also referred to as the “super vitamin” and can play an

important role in your acne remedy. Vitamin C is instrumental in at least 300 metabolic

functions in your body, is needed for tissue growth and repair, and flushes toxins from

your system. Vitamin C also improves immunity and protects against infection. If you have

diabetes, check with your doctor for the dosage that is best for your body.

Chromium, widely used for weight loss also helps fight acne. Chromium should be taken in

an added form since chromium in foods is not easily absorbed. Much of it is lost in processing

and high doses of sugar cause the loss of chromium.

Zinc aids in acne remedy by regulating the activity of the oil glands. It promotes the healing

in tissues and helps to prevent scarring. Zinc promotes a healthier immune system that in

turn aids in the healing of wounds. In addition, a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent

the forming of free radicals, or toxins that can harm your body.EIGHT TIPS FOR NATURALLY BEAUTIFUL SKIN — BEAUTY SKIN BASICS —DIET TOUR WAY TO BEAUTIFUL SKIN

Finally, Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. It improves healing and tissue repair and

prevents cell damage by inhibiting oxidation of fats and the formation of free radicals.

One interesting fact about acne can be noted that is a multivitamin with added chromium

supplement will give you most of what your body needs for the day. It should be also noted

that taking too much of a vitamin or mineral can also be toxic and dangerous. Read the

recommended dosage and stick with it.

With enough vitamins for your body, you are assured of a well nourished body. Your body

organs, cells and tissues can perform optimally on the inside and you get to see the

benefits on a physical level.



Beauty Basics – Eight Tips For Naturally Beautiful Skin

Not sure what to look for when choosing cosmetics? Need some advice on taking care of your

skin? Here are eight tips to help your skin look and feel it’s best.

1) Select moisturizers made with vegetable oils. The lotions, creams and body oils that you

use should be made with vegetable oils, not mineral oil. Vegetable oils, (like olive oil,

sweet almond oil, corn oil, etc.) contain fatty acids which help to moisturize and soften

the skin.

Mineral oil is derived from petroleum and does not contain anything that helps to

nourish the skin.

2) Look for herbs and herbal derivatives in your cosmetics. Herbs and their derivatives

(essential oils, extracts, infusions) contain natural chemicals which soothe, tone and

help condition the skin.

Two herbs which are especially useful in natural cosmetics are Lavender and Tea tree.

the essential oils of both lavender and tea tree are gentle, natural antiseptics.

3) Once a week soak your feet in warm water, and gently exfoliate dead skin with a

pumice stone. Follow up by moisturizing your feet with a natural foot oil or

foot lotion.

4) Every week soak in a tub of bath salts. Salt, especially salts mined from the Dead

Sea in the Middle East, are rich in minerals and help draw impurities out of the skin.

5) After a shower or bath, seal in moisture by using a body oil or lotion made from natural

vegetable oils.

6) If you have blemishes and your skin is dry, moisturize your skin in the morning and at

night with products that contain vegetable oils which are high in essential fatty acids.

Essential fatty acids help to soften and hydrate the skin and they can also help soothe

minor irritations. Vegetable oils that contain large amounts of essential fatty acids are:

corn oil, sunflower seed oil, safflower oil, borage oil, blackcurrant seed oil and

evening primrose oil.

7) Look for toners and astringents that are made without ethyl alcohol, rubbing alcohol

or isopropyl alcohol. These ingredients are solvents that are extremely drying to the


8) Every time you wash your hands, moisturize them with a natural lotion or cream to
help them stay soft.

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How does what you eat affect an acne break out? The answer is not so simple.

Read the article

Conventional wisdom used to say that your diet (eating chocolate or greasy foods) would

result in an unwanted acne breakout. Later skin professionals and dermatologists learned

that there is no proven scientific connection between acne and food.

But does what you eat really have a direct influence on the status of your face?

The answer is ‘no’, a bad food diet does not ‘directly’ cause an acne breakout. But, as

most doctors will tell you, what you choose to put in your body will have a definite effect

on your health, including your skin health.

Excessive caffeine, sugary foods, and greasy, fatty snacks will all have a negative effect

on our overall health. And

if your skin is particularly susceptible to acne, maintaining a poor diet will definitely

not help the situation. A bad food diet can therefore have an ‘indirect’ effect!

Choosing foods that are high in sugar, fat content, and refined carbohydrates can all be


to your skin health. Studies have shown that too much sugar and refined carbohydrates in your

diet can lead to a surge in insulin.

This can create the condition known as IGF-1, where an increase in insulin creates the

over-production of male hormones. And excessive male hormones can produce an excess of

sebum, the greasy stuff

that can clog your pores, attract bacteria, and create an environment conducive to acne!

IGF-1 is also believed to cause keratinocytes to multiply, which can wreak havoc on skin.

Saturated fats are the bad guys of the food world. Doctors have been warning of the health

consequences of consuming trans fats and saturated fats.

The negative consequences of saturated fats on the body are a weakening the immune system,

promoting inflammation, and for those prone to acne breakouts, raising the skin’s oil

production level.

Keep your body healthy and filled with good health-promoting nutrients for the best

complexion possible. You should strive to reduce saturated fats -they will certainly

not help you in your battle against acne.


But all oils are not bad. There are also good oils which are actually conducive to healthy skin.

In fact, certain oils are absolutely essential. These essential fatty acids reduce inflammation

and help promote healthy skin, What oils should you add to your regular diet?

Fish Oil, olive oil, and flax oil are all good oils that should become a part of your diet. Fish oil

and flax oil in particular are recommended for maintaining a glowing complexion.

What about vitamins and minerals? You should maintain a steady intake of vitamins and minerals to

promote a healthy skin-enriching diet. Vitamin A is paramount for promoting healthy skin. Vitamin

A is found in abundance in avocados and carrots.

Vitamin B-6, Vitamin C, and Zinc are other important nutrients for promoting a good complexion.

An easy way to ensure that you’re getting all the vitamins and minerals you need to help fight

acne is to eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and essential fatty acids.

One of the lesser-considered aspects of the food and acne debate is the role that food allergies

play in promoting acne.

Some people experience severe cases of acne even if they lead a very healthy diet and have never

suffered from severe acne before. The cause could be a food allergy of some kind.

Common causes of food allergies include excess sugar, dairy products, and certain refined flours

and grains. Avoid foods rich in iodine, which have been linked to acne in the past. If you

consume iodized salt, make the switch to sea salt.

Iodine-rich foods may include salt, liver, cheese, crabs, shellfish, clams, and kelp products.

If you find dairy products exacerbate your acne, consider switching to soy or rice milk and

cheese products.

Whether certain foods cause an acne or whether these foods are just one of many contributing

factors is an ongoing debate. Much has been learned and much more has yet to be learned.

Add to this the fact that one individual may be affected by a certain food and another not at

all and you quickly learn there is no single answer, no magic bullet that will work for everyone.

But hopefully this information will help you determine what works for you










Your disposable income is necessary if you want to decrease payments to your creditors when you can no longer afford the common contractual payments.

Debt management companies use your disposable to work out what you can sincerely afford to repay your creditor commitments.

Below we have explained how to work out your disposable income for yourself should you need to reduce your debts without contacting a debt management company – that being said we would imagine a debt management company would get a better response from your creditors as they are under no obligation to accept any new payment arrangements and putting this to them through a debt management company will normally yield better results.

Work out your income.

You will need to work out your income on a monthly basis as most creditors will prefer to have regular monthly payments.


The basic to working out your income is not to take the lowest or highest amounts you might get each month but relatively an average of what your normal takes home pay would be.

This can be easily done by adding up your last 6 or 12 wage slips and diving the total by the number of wage slips you added together. For example, if you added together your take-home pay for the last six months you would divide the total amount by 6 to give a normal monthly average of your take-home.
Work out your committed outgoings

Your committed outgoings are what you need to pay each month. With things like your phone bill or water bill which you may be paying quarterly simply divide your normal quarterly bill by 4 to get a monthly allowance.

After you have added all these together, which will ensure you, have made allowances for the essential living costs we can deduct this from your monthly take-home pay. What’s left is your disposable income and is what you can genuinely afford to pay your creditors. MAKE MONEY NOW

What amount of my disposable income should my creditors get?

Your disposable income should be spread around your creditors on the basis that whoever you owe the most to get paid the most. This is normally referred to as payment pro-rata, which can be worked.

Owing to a total of 10,000 to 3 creditors with a disposable income of 200 Creditor A 5,000 Creditor B 3,000 Creditor C 2,000a Total owed 10,000

First, we need to work out what percentage of the total debts you owe to each creditor. To do this you would simply take the amount owed to the creditor, divide by the total owed nd multiply by 100.

Creditor A= 5,000 ÷ 10,000 (total owed) * 100 = 50% Creditor B= 3,000 ÷ 10,000 (total owed) * 100 = 30% Creditor C= 2,000 ÷ 10,000 (total owed) * 100 = 20% We then apply these percentages to your disposable income as follows.

Disposable income is 200

• Creditor A 200 ÷ 100 * 50 = £100
• Creditor B 200 ÷ 100 * 30 = £60

Doing things this way means each creditor would receive a payment based on the percentage of how much you owe them and how much you can afford to pay which is the fairest way of spreading your disposable income around your creditors.




1 Year Treasury Rate is at 4.75%, compared to 4.72% the previous market day and 0.27% last year.

This is higher than the long term average of 2.86%. Stats

How hard is it to set up a 501c3?

To obtain 501(c)(3) status, a nonprofit corporation must apply to the Internal Revenue Service

for recognition of tax exemption by filing IRS Form 1023. Relatively speaking, forming the

corporation is fairly straightforward (assuming that one completely understands the process).

How long does 501c3 approval take?

Applications for nonprofit status must be submitted online to the IRS. If an organization is

eligible to apply for nonprofit status with Form 1023-EZ, the process can take as little as

four weeks. For those who must file Form 1023, the process could take up to six months or longer.



What is the meaning of Small Business Administration?

SBA was created in 1953 as an independent agency of the federal government to aid, counsel, assist

and protect the interests of small business concerns; preserve free competitive enterprise; and

maintain and strengthen the overall economy of our nation.

What does the Small Business Administration offer?

The SBA assists small businesses in four main areas: financing, education and training, government

contracting, and providing a voice in policy matters. These programs are aimed at helping

entrepreneurs start their businesses and keep them thriving.YOUR MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME 5 REASONS YEAR 2023

7 steps to starting a small business on a shoestring budget – with free startup help

Step 1: Self-assessment. …

Step 2: Pick the right business. …

Step 3: Consider your name and brand. …

Step 4: Draft a business plan. …

Step 6: Get your business funded. …

Step 7: Set up your physical and digital shop.

Research conducted over the past 25 years has established beyond a doubt that public infrastructure investment generates high returns. A recent summary of that research finds that the rate of return on public investment is between 15 and 45 percent, higher than rates of return on private sector investments.

What does infrastructure mean?

What Is Infrastructure? Infrastructure is defined as the basic physical systems of a business,

region, or nation and often involves the production of public goods or production processes.

Examples of infrastructure include transportation systems, communication networks, sewage, water,

and school systems. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act means historic investment that

will modernize our roads, bridges, transit, rail, ports, airports, broadband, and drinking water

and wastewater infrastructure. This legislation does not raise taxes on everyday Americans, and

it will create good-paying union jobs.DO ALL VETERANS/VETERAN WIDOWS/DEPENDENTS GET BENEFITS YEAR 2023

How many jobs will IIJA create?

jobs supported by the combined package.



Why cut spending now??? Inflation is above 8% and climbing.

The Federal Reserve has raised interest rate in an effort to slow the

economy and bring inflation under control. If the Federal Reserve succeed

then products you plan to purchase now will be cheaper.


Why cut spending now??? Budgeting/Budget is another way to fight

inflation. Monitoring where your money going/controlling expenses is another

why to fight inflation.


Caution rather than a great regret in this inflation crisis.

Keep in mind the Federal Reserve policies will take time to get

inflation under control. In the meantime start your own financial control plan.

With modern communication technology comes the popularity of

information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective

techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into.

This is why article writing, submissions and publications are also getting popular.

internet business plan, small business advertising, business newsletter, business

location, business competitors, business website, search engine optimization,

ay-per-click marketing, business marketing tips

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up

those creative writing skills back.

With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based

marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting

targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers.

This is why article writing, submissions and publications are also getting popular.

There are already many tools that people can use to make the process of

their article.

Though this is invaluable in getting the contents more exposure, which is only

half of the story.Let us take a look first at the common mistakes that some

people make before submitting their contents to article directories:

1. Confusing the reason to promote the articles with the reason to write them.

In article writing, there are three key benefits why you are promoting them;

branding, lead generation and promotion, which are all part of your

optimization efforts.

But there is only one reason why you write an article, and that is to inform

your audience. If the article is not focused on this primary and most important

purpose, it will fail to achieve the three promotion benefits because no one will

be interested in reading them.

You need to figure out first how to get people to read what is in your article,

then make them click on your resource box. You can achieve this by producing

better contents.

2. Failing to maximize the promotional opportunities of article marketing.

You may know already that your articles can help you generate additional links

back to your site.

But do you know that you can get more visitors and better search engine results

from that same articles?

Mention keywords at strategic places. Just be sure not to overdo them.

Some are even using anchor texts which is also an effective method. But it is

important to know that majority of the directories are not able to support this.

Remember that is not only about the links back to your site. Part of doing well in

your article marketing is getting picked up by publishers with a large number of

audiences and gaining the ability of leveraging other brands because of the


Better search engine results also are great benefits.

But these things do not put much money in your pocket. There are other factors

that can turn your article marketing efforts into an opportunity that can boost

your earnings. Not just increase the number of visitors to your site.

Start out with a plan and see to it that your article will serve the function that you

intended it to have.

3. Publishing content that does not help your readers.

Maybe in the process of writing articles, you are thinking that all that is you

wanted is links back to your site. And any visitors it can generate are fine.

Guess what? Not all article banks and directories are going to accept your

content automatically. Oftentimes, they have some guidelines and specifications


You can double the number of sites you can submit to by writing articles that

the directories want to share with other people.

All it takes is one publisher with a hundred thousand readers to increase your

potential audience overnight.

Write the articles that publishers want in their publications if you want your article

marketing to work the most effective way for you. This also means you have to

obey the standard guidelines, spell checks, researching on a good topic and even

hiring a writer to produce a good content on your behalf.10 CRITICAL BUDGETING STEPS TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM

In the end, it is all really a matter of choice on your part. You can start getting a

little exposure from increased links back but on a very basic level. Or enjoy massive

exposure from a little extra time making quality contents.

It will be your choice. You may not be aware of the fact that an article submitted on

directories is not meant to have the same level of exposure as highly-targeted

content ones geared on a narrow group of people.

Learn the difference between these two and it will surely help you know what kinds





15 Easy Steps to Starting Your Small Business BY EVE JACKSON — 2006

When I was first starting up my business, I searched for a good article on startup, and couldn’t find any, so I decided to write this short guide.

starting a small business, a small business startup guide

Yeah, sure it’s easy, and of course, that title is a little tongue in cheek. It takes a lot of hard work to get off the ground. But, it’s worth every hour I’ve spent getting to where I am now.

When I decided to start my communication and image consulting business, I tried hard to find a good startup guide. I couldn’t find any that had all the steps. So, I decided to write one. So far, it’s mostly just the bare-bones outline (which is long enough as it is) you see in this article.

I’ll be adding to it every week or two, and writing more detailed articles on all the steps, so try to stop by and check it out from time to time. Let me know how I’m doing. Shoot off an email to me if I’ve forgotten something or you have questions.

Before you spend so much as a dollar, talk to a few experts. Go to the library or get on the internet and research, research, research. Take a little time to make sure entrepreneurship is right for you.PASSIVE AND RESIDUAL PART TIME INCOME

Make a pro and con list of business ownership, and evaluate yourself honestly. How many characteristics do you have in common with successful entrepreneurs? Is your financial position strong enough? Do you have the necessary technical and management skills?

You’re not going to be the perfect entrepreneur. Nobody is. But in order to make yourself the best entrepreneur. you can be, consider ways to compensate for any weaknesses you might have.

I’m from Canada, so the government agencies I’ve mentioned in this guide are Canadian, but really, they can be used by anyone. All you have to do, if you’re from somewhere other than Canada, is find out where you need to find some of the things I’ll talk about.

Some of the steps might be slightly different, and you may not have to worry about things like GST for example, but I’m sure you’ll find this discussion helpful all the same.

These steps to starting a business are in reasonably good order, but you might find yourself varying from it under your particular circumstances. That really isn’t a big deal, as long as you get most of it done.

There are some steps you’ll be able to skip as well, but please don’t skip any of the “big ones”, which I’m sure you’ll pretty much figure out from taking a look at the list.

So, assuming you’ve done your evaluation and you still want to start a business, take a deep breath, and let’s get started.

1. Conduct a feasibility study of your business. Describe your typical customer, your product, and your competitors. Who will your suppliers be? What will you charge for your product? How will you market your product? These are just a few of the questions you need to answer.

2. Write a complete business plan for your company, using the information you gathered from your feasibility study. This vitally important often overlooked step needs to include a description of your company, its goals, competitors, market, financial information, and of course, how you intend to meet your goals.

3. Get your financing in place. There are many ways to finance your business, from your own savings to personal credit cards to bank loans. If you need credit, know your business plan from front to back and maybe even sideways.

4. Decide what kind of structure your company will have. From a legal standpoint, there are three basic choices, sole proprietorship, partnership, and incorporation, each with advantages and disadvantages.

5. Choose a name for your company and check on name availability. Naming your company is highly individual, but it’s the first thing associated with your business, so choose your name carefully.

You’ll need to do a NUANS (Newly Upgraded Automated Name Search) report, which checks your name choices for uniqueness against a database of other business names. A reserved name is valid for 90 days.

6. Decide whether you want to register federally or provincially and register your company. If you register federally, you’ll also have to register provincially, which almost doubles the cost. You don’t have to have a lawyer process them for you, but it might be a good idea to at least consult with one.

You can get the forms from your local government officials, have them faxed to you or download them. You can fax or email printed copies, or complete the forms online

7. Contact Canada Revenue Agency Business Window for your business number, and to register for GST/HST, payroll, corporate income tax, and import/export (if applicable).

You can also contact the CRA if you need general information about business expenses. Chances are you’ll have to collect GST, but you may want to register for a GST number even if you don’t have to collect it because of input tax credits.

8. Decide whether you need to collect PST. If you do, you need to submit “Registration as a Vendor” documents with your province.

9. Determine whether there are special permits or licenses in your municipality. It’s highly unlikely that your municipality does not have special permits or licenses.

10. Develop the marketing materials you decided on in your business plan. They should include at least a company identity package, press kit, and website. Your identity package is your logo, business card, and letterhead. A press kit can include letters of introduction, biography sheets, press releases, articles, and a brochure. In today’s electronic age, printed materials aren’t enough. You need a website that looks professional, matches your printed material, and has a great copy. You’ll also want to make sure it’s optimized for search engines.

11. Set up your business bank account and record-keeping system. Your banker will need to see your incorporation documents, and you should probably set up more than one account so you can keep track of your finances better. Record-keeping is required, and can be done manually or with a computer program.

12. Purchase insurance. There are many different types of insurance, but most probably your company will need at least one. For example, if you’re going to have employees, you need to contact the Worker’s Compensation Board.
Depending on your type of business, you might want to contact them even if you don’t have employees to insure yourself.

13. Contact potential creditors and set up credit terms. You should have researched suppliers when you were doing your feasibility study. Now is the time to contact them.

14. Decide where your business will be located. Lease your business space. Alternatively, you could choose to start your business from home if it’s feasible. There are advantages and disadvantages to starting your business from home. You have tax write-offs for example, but sometimes your image suffers.

15. Purchase supplies and office equipment. You’ll need too many things to list here, and of course, each business has different needs. You might need a fax machine and printer. You’ll probably need a computer. You’ll definitely need paper, pens, pencils and a calculator.

Congratulations! Go out, buy yourself a bottle of champagne and celebrate. You’re about to embark on a most exciting journey. And may I be the first to wish you good luck and prosperous times in your business venture
As promised, here’s my email address so you can ask questions, make comments or add steps to my list. Or, if you want, you could just drop me a line to let me know how your small business is doing. I’d really like to know.

Copyright© 2006 Eve Jackson




One serving of fresh, grated carrots (half a cup) provides the

following nutritional facts:

Calories: 23.

Total fat: 0g.

Cholesterol: 0mg.

Sodium: 38mg.

Total carbohydrates: 5g.
Dietary fiber: 2g.
Sugars: 3g.
Protein: 1g.

What is a good way to get rid of eczema?

Lifestyle and home remedies

Moisturize your skin at least twice a day. …

Apply an anti-itch cream to the affected area. …

Take an oral allergy or anti-itch medication. …

Don’t scratch. …

Take a daily bath or shower. …

Use a gentle, nonsoap cleanser. …
Take a bleach bath. …
Use a humidifier.

What is the main cause of eczema?

Eczema is associated with the development of food and environmental allergies,

and it develops due to a defective skin barrier. Eczema is often inherited, and

infants with parents who have allergies or asthma are at highest risk for development.

Harvard Medical School offers special reports on over 60 health topics.
Visit our website at to find reports of interest to you and your family.

Meal plan options that include Healthy Keto, Higher Protein, Vegetarian, and Mediterranean

What is the healthiest vegetable?
What are the most healthful vegetables?

Kale. Kale is a very popular leafy green vegetable with several health benefits. …

Broccoli. …
Peas. …
Sweet potatoes. …

Beets. …
Carrots. …

Fermented vegetables.



As of April 26, 2024, the 4-week Treasury Bill rate is 5.28%, which

is higher than the long-term average of 1.41%. This rate is the yield

received for investing in a US government issued treasury bill that has

a maturity of 4 weeks. The 4 week treasury yield is included on the short

of the yield curve, and thus closely mirrors the Federal Funds rate

that is set by the Federal Reserve.

In the first quarter of 2024, the United States economy grew by 1.6%, In

the fourth quarter 0f 2024, the US economy grew by 3.4%.


Financial media is freaking out over low number of 1.6%. Instead of giving

the average for the past 7 quarters.


Reserve should increase interest rate 25 basis points, The Federal

Government should prorated the Budget by 1%. While consumers should cut

spending by 5%. This would really freak most everyone out, but if the

consumer spend less, while paying down personal debt 10%, this will

automatically increase saving and disposal income.


The Federal Reserve increasing interest rate by 25 basis point to 5.75% would

increase the interest rate on the Federal Government which the 1% proration

would absorb the 25% basis points and start the process of reducing the 33

trillion debt the US currently have.


This will happen because the United States Economy needs a rest. Shortage of

labor, consumer debt out of control, supply shortages, Federal Government

excessive debt and spending is absolutely not benefiting anyone.


GDP is also equal to the sum of personal consumption expenditures, gross

private domestic investment, net exports of goods and services, and

government consumption expenditures and gross investment. Gross domestic

income (GDI) is the sum of incomes earned and costs incurred in the

production of GDP.


Gross domestic product is a monetary measure of the market value of all the

final goods and services produced and rendered in a specific time period by

a country or countries. GDP is more often used by the government of a single

country to measure its economic health. Wikipedia




How to get six-pack in 30 days?

Eat more protein-rich foods.

Protein is an important building block for muscles. To get a six pack in a month,

you’ll want to eat around 0.38-0.77 gram of protein per 1 pound (0.45 kg) of

bodyweight every day to help your abdominal muscles grow bigger and stronger.

some healthy, protein-rich foods you can eat are: Fish.

Include multiple crunches and plank variations in your routine.

5 to 10-minute jog.

3 sets of 12 repetitions each: standard crunches, overhead crunches, reverse crunches.

3 sets of 12 repetitions per side: bicycle crunches.

2 sets of 30 seconds: standard planks, extended planks.

2 sets of 30 seconds per side: side planks.

YSL – Yves Saint Laurent
Ralph Lauren

How can I reduce my tummy in 7 days?

How to lose belly fat in seven days

Include aerobic exercises in your daily routine. If you want to burn fat fast

there is no getting around cardio training.

Reduce refined carbs.

Add fatty fish to your diet.

Start the day with a high protein breakfast.

Drink enough water.

Reduce your salt intake.

Consume soluble fiber.

What is the fastest way to build abs?

Some of the exercises to prioritize for strengthening the abdominals includes

crunches, planks, and bridges. These three are the most commonly used exercises,

and they are a good place for you to get started.


Lean meat. Animal products are usually a great source of protein, especially

lean meats like chicken and turkey


Dairy products.


Whole grains

Beans and lentils



What is the 12 month T bill rate?

Basic Info. 1 Year Treasury Rate is at 5.21%, compared to 5.21% the

previous market day and 4.78% last year. This is higher than the long term average of 2.95 April 26, 2024 —











Dozens of books have been written on all ten of these steps. Millions

of books have been sold on these topics.


Youtube have more short videos on these ten steps than anyone could ever

watch and more being done every day.


Yet 3% of Americans have more wealth than the other 97% combined. Not to

mention over 60% of Americans at retirement age of 62 have lee that $10,000.


Earning additional income, means only that one work smarter, not harder. Improving

one skills, investing in ones mind and time. Everyone have 1440 minutes in a

day. You can earn whatever you set your mind to, especially overcome (I’M DOING





What is Muscle Mass and Why is it so Important to Build it?

People also ask

What is a good muscle mass?

Normal ranges for muscle mass are: Ages 20-39: 75-89 percent

for men, 63-75.5 percent for women. Ages 40-59: 73-86 percent for men,

62-73.5 percent for women.

We all know that building solid muscles significantly helps to get your private life going, raise

your self esteem and change your worldview. However, not many fans of sport are aware of how

building muscle mass is important for their health. In this article we will steadily move

from one benefit to another to show you that muscles are not only about your appearance.

Firstly, let’s start with what the base of our bodies is – bones. Many professional coaches agree

that strength training is crucial for healthy bones as it prevents osteoporosis, arthritis and

other bone diseases.

Numerous advantages are also brought to your cardiac system: muscle-building exercise reduces

the likelihood of falls and normalizes blood-sugar level.


How to gain muscle mass fast?

Doing high-intensity workouts is the key to building muscle. Light workouts, even if

they’re long, don’t go nearly as far to produce the right conditions for your muscles

to break down and rebuild. Plan on doing 30-45 minute sessions 3-4 times per week (every other day).

Benefits of muscle-building are also connected to your mental state. Sport doctors claim that exercise aimed at

building muscle mass improves the quality of sleep and positively influences general mental health.

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Vitamin B6

This vitamin plays a role in more than 100 different reactions in your body. Some research has shown that B6 may help protect against memory loss, colorectal cancer, and PMS. It’s found in many kinds of foods including leafy and root vegetables; non-citrus fruits like bananas, avocados, and watermelon; legumes; and fish, poultry, and lean meats

How do I build my muscle mass?

Choose compound exercises that work multiple major muscle groups, for example, the squat

and bench press. Make your workouts short and intense rather than long and leisurely.

Don’t waste your time or money on powders, pills and products that claim to increase

muscle mass. These claims are not scientifically proven.

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What are the top 10 super foods?

The top 10 superfoods to add to your diet

Flax and chia seeds

What does flaxseed do to your body?

Flaxseed is commonly used to improve digestive health or relieve constipation.

Flaxseed may also help lower total blood cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein

(LDL, or “bad”) cholesterol levels, which may help reduce the risk of heart disease.


Chia seeds are an excellent source of fiber, which can improve heart health, reduce

cholesterol levels and promote intestinal health. Fiber takes longer to digest and

makes you feel satisfied longer, which is how it can help with weight loss and

decrease your risk of developing diabetes or heart disease.

Does chia seeds really reduce belly fat?


The insoluble fiber and protein present in them help you feel satisfied and

full. MAs per USDA data, a 100-gram serving of chia seeds can fulfil up to

4% of the daily fiber intake, thus facilitating the reduction of belly fat.

Sweet potatoes
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What are the health benefits of sweet potatoes?

Research shows that sweet potatoes can lower your LDL “bad” cholesterol, which

may lower your odds of heart problems. Macular degeneration. Large amounts of

beta-carotene and vitamin A, which are in sweet potatoes, can lower your chances

of getting this eye disease, which is the most common cause of vision loss.

Is a sweet potato a superfood?

Sweet Potato: Is it Really a Superfood?

Of the thousands of vegetables available today, sweet potatoes are considered one

of the most nutritious. The orange- (or sometimes purple) fleshed vegetables are

loaded with minerals and A, B, and C vitamins. This has led to sweet potatoes

being called a superfood by many.


Green tea


Dark, leafy greens


Yogurt. When it comes to a multitasking ingredient, yogurt is a standout.






3 Choices To Help You Lose Weight

Your weight loss success comes down to the choices you make. Learn about

3 different weight loss options and decide which will work best for you. Carbs,

carbohydrates, calories lose weight, lose weight fast, weight loss patches,

weight loss pills, lose weight fast, alternative medicine, diet, low carb diet,

bad carbs, good carbs, carb foods, counting carbs, complex carbohydrates,

simple carbs, losing weight.

Carbohydrates are a type of macronutrient found in many foods and beverages.

Most carbs occur naturally in plant-based foods, such as grains. Food

manufacturers also add carbs to processed foods in the form of starch or added

sugar. Common sources of naturally occurring carbohydrates include: Fruits.


Perhaps the most appealing benefit of using a patch is that it is so easy to use.

No pills to remember to take, no special diets, no required exercise routine.

Naturally, sticking to a healthy diet and exercise program is best for your over

overall health, but if that is difficult for you to adhere to all of the time, the

patch maybe a solution that works for you.HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU GOTTEN ON THE SCALE??

A weight loss patch that you place on your body will deliver the active ingredients

by transdermal delivery, meaning through the skin. Ingredients will go

directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system and liver. Simply apply

the patch to a smooth area of your skin and change it every 3 days. That is all of the

maintenance that is required.

Occasionally when you are traveling and know you will

be eating out a lot, or for those times you are too busy to cook the proper foods,

a patch that suppresses your appetite will help you develop good eating habits

that will help you maintain your ideal weight in the future ~ no more yo-yo figures.

2. Appetite Suppressant Pills

Curbing your appetite to stop the influx of calories in the first place seems to be the

logical way to lose and maintain your weight. However, we are so bombarded by

confusing claims everywhere for appetite suppressant pills ~ in print, on the radio,

on television, even on billboards when driving, that it is difficult to know which diet

pill will really help take off those pounds ~ and keep them off..8 HEALTHY TIPS TO WEIGHT LOSS AND SHAPE UP

Some diet pills will cause your heart to race, your hands to shake, or an overall “wired”

feeling. To avoid these problem, stay away from products that contain Ephedra, Ma

Huang, and Ephedrine.

One herbal diet pill that has gotten a lot of publicity lately is Hoodia Gordonii. The

authentic plant comes from the Kalahari desert in South Africa. Respectable television

shows like 60 Minutes, the Today Show, BBC, and even Oprah’s “O” magazine have

given it rave reviews for its fast acting appetite suppressing qualities. While it

can take one to two weeks to work fully, many users report a decline in their

appetite with the first pill.

In fact, Hoodia has had so many positive reports that there are now a lot of knock-of

products being marketed to the uninformed ~ especially on the Internet. The real

Hoodia is very rare because it takes up to 7 years for the Hoodia plant to mature to

a point where it provides appetite suppressant qualities. In addition, the African

government is now limiting the amount of Hoodia it exports, meaning only a few

suppliers have the real thing. Because Hoodia is so rare, you can expect it to be a

little more expensive than other diet pills.

Another diet pill that helps shed pounds is Herbal Phentermine. This is a

non-prescription appetite suppressant that is scientifically designed to produce

similar effects of a popular Rx version of phentermine.

The good news is that the Herbal version contains only natural ingredients so you

don’t have to be worried about side effects. Plus, you can avoid the time, expense,

and embarrassment of a doctor’s visit.DIABETES HIGH CHOLESTROL LOW IRON OVERWEIGHT

Herbal Phentermine will not only suppress your appetite, but it will also increase

your metabolism so you burn more calories and have more energy.

3). Carbohydrate Blockers

Perhaps you prefer not to have your appetite suppressed, but instead would like to

at all of the pasta, bread, rice, and potatoes you want. If this sounds more like your

style, then you might want to try a carbohydrate blocker.

Scientists have discovered, and thoroughly tested a method to allow us to eat the foods

we love and not gain weight. We can now stop the normal conversion of starchy foods

to sugar before it can pass through our digestive system and store as fat on our hips,

thighs, buttocks and stomach. Derived from white kidney beans, the resulting carb

blockers, (starch neutralizers), are a completely natural product. They work by

neutralizing the Alpha amylase enzyme that digests starch.

By neutralizing this digestive enzyme, the starch from our food does not get digested.

Instead, it remains intact and does not convert to sugar. It simply passes through the

body undigested and acts as a fiber ~ which is a very good thing. We get more fiber

going through our intestines while avoiding the conversion to sugar and the resulting

fat storage ~ a definite win-win situation.

Over the past several years, there have been many positive studies to determine the

effectiveness of carb blockers and their ability to help lose weight. One study was

performed at the Northridge Hospital Medical Center in Los Angeles, CA, over an eight

week time period.

It reported that participants saw an average weight loss of 200% more than those

taking a placebo, and lost an average of 1.5 inches around their waists. This was 43 %

more than those taking the placebo. Plus they reported having 13% more energy,

even though it is not a stimulant.

Whether you choose patches or pills, prefer to eat starchy foods, or use carb blockers,

some things to look for when buying diet products are that they:

1) Contain all natural ingredients

2) Do not have harmful side effects

3) Offer a 100% money back guarantee

What are the benefits of eating peaches?

10 Surprising Health Benefits and Uses of Peaches

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Widely Available and Easy to Add to Your Diet.WHAT IS IN WHAT I EAT HELPFUL OR HARMFUL

# Change What You Crave By Changing How You Think: The 5 Step Mental Method

Are cravings controlling your eating habits? Well, they don’t have to anymore.

Cravings are over rated. Learn how to use your mind to change what you crave. You will

lose weight.

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that work

If I were to ask you which foods temp you, most likely they wouldn’t be ones that

are very healthy. I bet they would be ice cream, potato chips, pizza, or something

along those lines. In fact, in your mind right now as you’re reading, you are

probably thinking about a food that isn’t healthy. Well, aren’t you? Stop for a moment

and think about it……………….. The point I’m going to make in this article is that you

can change what you crave by changing how you think.

Every new client that comes to my office for weight-loss has a “craving problem.”

But I don’t see it as a problem at all. I see it as a solution. Cravings are over-rated.

They are hodge-podge and we don’t have to be controlled by them. We don’t have

to feel temped by ice cream, cookies or 20-ounce prime ribs. Instead, we can be

tempted by watermelon, pineapple, oranges or apples; foods like that. Think that

sounds crazy? Well it isn’t and you’ll see why.

When I first sit down and talk with a client about their eating habits, I gather

everything I need to know about exactly what they eat and how they eat. The

culprit to their weight problem always boils down to snacking, picking, eating

foods that are unhealthy or just plain over-eating. Then I’ll ask them what fruits

and vegetables they like. I’m yet to come across someone who hates fruit or hates

every vegetable under the sun. Finally I’ll ask them how often they eat fruits or

vegetables and it’s always a lot less often than the unhealthy stuff.

After I’ve gathered my arsenal of information, we do our thing. I’ll have my clients

lay back in my recliner and close their eyes. I’ll direct their mind to a peaceful place,

and within minutes they’ll be relaxed like never before. Then I start talking about

their favorite fruits and vegetables. I’ll ask them to imagine taking a bite of their

favorite juicy, ripe fruit and to feel the juices tickling their taste buds. I’ll say to their

mind, “from now on anytime you have a craving for food, you will think of a juicy,

ripe piece of fruit. And bingo!!! Next thing you know these are exactly the kinds

of foods they start desiring. Why? Because anytime you close your eyes and

bring yourself to a calm, relaxed place, your subconscious mind emerges, and it

is this part of the mind that controls what you crave. Change your thoughts and

you’ll change what you crave. Simple.

Let’s look at this from another perspective. Let’s say pineapple is your favorite fruit.

Now, if you were sitting with me right now and I gave you a juicy chunk of it, you

would enjoy it thoroughly. And you’d want more, right? Of course. Now, let’s say I

reached into my refrigerator, whipped-out a piece of chocolate cake and said,

“choose one.” Most likely you would opt for the pineapple because you just had a

teaser-piece, which would make your mind want more. The fact of the matter is

this: you enjoy your favorite fruits just as much as you enjoy your favorite junk

foods, you just believe otherwise.

Again, cravings are over-rated. The mere mention of that devilish word always

seems to conjures-up images of high calorie, high fat foods only because these

are the foods you are most exposed to in our media driven world. Your

subconscious gets accustomed to this and just doesn’t know any better. Change

your minds images and you’ll change your cravings. Here’s a quick 5 minute

mental exercise you can begin doing now to help you start changing the way

you crave food.

Step 1: Find a comfortable, quiet place where there are no distractions. Begin

breathing deeply until you are quite relaxed. Next, count backwards from 10-1,

slowly. With each count, imagine that your mind is drifting deeper and deeper.

Step 2: After you have finished counting, imagine that you are relaxing by

yourself in your favorite place. A secluded beach or a log in the woods will do

the trick. Imagine yourself feeling so very relaxed and peaceful.

Step 3: Next, imagine a basket full of your favorite fresh picked fruit sitting right

next to you. See it clearly in your mind, the color, the feel, everything about that

fruit. Imagine taking a bite of that juicy fruit and enjoying it like never before.

Step 4: Repeat the following suggestion to yourself 10 times: “From now on,

anytime I think of eating, I immediately feel a craving for fruit.”

Full of vitamins: In particular, pork is rich in thiamine, which is a B vitamin that
helps your body function properly. Pork has more thiamine than other red meats,
like beef and lamb, says WebMD. Boost thyroid function: A key vitamin that’s
helpful to proper thyroid function is selenium

What foods do you eat on keto diet?

Foods you can eat on the keto diet include fish and seafood, meat and poultry, non-starchy

vegetables like bell peppers, broccoli, and zucchini, avocados, berries, nuts and seeds,

eggs, high-fat dairy products, olive oil and other oils, and high-cocoa chocolate.

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What are the 5 foods that burn belly fat?



5 Foods that Burn Belly Fat

Beans. “Becoming a bean lover can help you lose weight and whittle your middle,”

registered dietitian Cynthia Sass told Today.

Swap your beef for salmon

How healthy is salmon for you?

Salmon: Nutrition, Health Benefits, and More

Salmon is particularly high in selenium, an important nutrient that is involved

in DNA synthesis, thyroid hormone metabolism, and reproductive health ( 3 ). It's

also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, a type of heart-healthy fat that can

decrease inflammation and support brain health

Yogurt. How healthy is yogurt for you?

Yogurt: Types, health benefits, and risks

Yogurts can be high in protein, calcium, vitamins, and live culture,

or probiotics, which can enhance the gut microbiota. These can offer

protection for bones and teeth and help prevent digestive problems.

Low-fat yogurt can be a useful source of protein on a weight-loss diet.

Probiotics may boost the immune system.

Red bell peppers.



Diluted vinegar.

How can I lose tummy fat fast?

Here's how to whittle down where it matters most.

Try curbing carbs instead of fats.

Think eating plan, not diet.

Keep moving.

Lift weights.

Become a label reader.

Move away from processed foods.

Focus on the way your clothes fit more than reading a scale.

Hang out with health-focused friends.What is the healthiest bean to eat?

The 9 Healthiest Beans and Legumes You Can Eat

Chickpeas. Also known as garbanzo beans, chickpeas are a

great source of fiber and protein.

Lentils. Lentils are a great source of vegetarian protein and

can be a good addition to soups and stews. .

Peas. Peas are also a type of legume.

Kidney beans.

Black beans.


Pinto beans

Navy beans
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What does selenium do for the body?

It is found naturally in foods or as a supplement. Selenium is an essential

component of various enzymes and proteins, called seleno proteins, that help

to make DNA and protect against cell damage and infections; these proteins

are also involved in reproduction and the metabolism of thyroid hormones.

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What are the health benefits of pears?

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